Let’s rehabilitate the sperm – For health reasons

2023-04-21 07:37:37

The animals compelled God to put couples on Noah’s ark, because they instinctively knew that it takes two to make children. Long after, Galen considered the principle of the double seed. But if no one doubted that the sperm was the male seed, the female seed remained enigmatic; some have quite logically attributed it to the vaginal secretions emitted during mating.

The microscope put an end to this egalitarian poetry by discovering the large ovules. In those times, the theory of “preformationism” dominated, it stipulated that the embryo was already preformed in one of the two seeds, and that the other only served to initiate the process of its development. The ovum seemed to be best placed to house this preformation. But when the microscope discovered “animalcules” in the sperm, an opposing current claimed that it was these spermatozoa that contained the preformed embryo, the ovum then serving only as a receptacle. This war of the ovists against the spermatists lasted two centuries until modern biology gave definitive priority to the ovum which provides the embryo with its cytoplasm, therefore its first food, its mitochondria, therefore its energy, and all the mitochondrial DNA that comes only from women. End of embryological machismo.

They went so far as to say that the male semen served only to determine the sex of the child. And, after the discovery of the process of genetic imprinting, a sort of war of influence between genes of paternal and maternal origin, it was asserted that the maternal imprint was stronger. Sperm Berezina.

Admittedly, in complex societies the social contribution of the male has become as important as his sperm contribution in ensuring the future of an offspring. This is why we see so many old sperm cells seeding young eggs, further supporting the idea that the value of the sperm matters less than the value of the bank account. Ultimate and sneaky bashing of the male seed.

In short, it is high time to rehabilitate sperm, because their quality matters as much as that of eggs, as evidenced by the most recent research.

Medically assisted procreation fails as often with the advanced age of the father as with that of the mother. Miscarriages, prematurity, congenital malformations, infant mortality, genetic diseases increase in proportion to the age of the father. Autism and schizophrenia are the pathologies most sensitive to the reproductive age of the father, or even of the grandfather.

Statistics have replaced microscopes.

The erectile longevity of males does not prevent their spermatic senescence. The successive tweaks of evolution simply failed to harmonize erectile function and sperm quality.

Let’s put an end to sexism between eggs and sperm. The couples in Noah’s Ark were certainly very young.


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