Li Chunen – Take the Star Ferry more | Live a good life | Headline Daily

Reading the newspaper learned that the Star Ferry was operating in a bleak situation due to the impact of the epidemic and the sudden drop in tourists. The income from the passengers’ ticket purchases was not enough to pay the wages of the employees, so it had to borrow money to operate. It’s really sad.

In the past, whenever friends from other places traveled to Hong Kong, I would advise them to take a slow tram ride on Hong Kong Island, and then cross the sea on the Star Ferry in Central. After trying these two old-fashioned means of transportation to visit Hong Kong, you will see a busy metropolis more carefully, and discover the location and people of Hong Kong in a more delicate way.

If I’m not in a hurry, I also like to take the Star Ferry across the sea, from Central to Tsim Sha Tsui, or from Tsim Sha Tsui back to Central, step on the wooden springboard, watch the sailors untie the mooring, the ferry slowly leaves the shore, and the water is light next to my ears. There was a light clap on the shore, and for a moment, time seemed to stop for a while, and it seemed that decades did not pass. Sometimes, I specially choose the lower cabin, where the traces of the years are more obvious, the cable iron pier, the small iron fence window behind the cockpit, the wood-colored steering wheel, the sunset is slanting, and the cabin reflects the golden color The light and water shadows of the waves are always reminiscent of the beautiful moments around the halo.

It is also a fascinating thing to see the scenery of Victoria Harbour from the ferry. No matter day or night, the sight in front of you is so beautiful, the scenery moves with the boat, the mountains, the sea, the boats and the buildings are like a movie that you never get tired of watching. Ten minutes is a great pleasure. People sit in the Star Ferry and watch the scenery, while people on the shore are watching the scenery of the Victoria Harbour dotted by the Star Ferry. If the Star Ferry is missing from this scene of Hong Kong, it will be like a famous painting has been erased from the focus, and Victoria Harbour will not look like Victoria Harbour.

Take the Star Ferry more often.
Lee Chun Eun

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