Liam Neeson talks to his late wife every day

What drew you to action movies so late? The fees?

For me it started with the first “96 Hours” (2008, originally: “Taken”). I thought it would never be in the cinemas anyway. But for some reason – I think it was the economic crisis and the banking scandal, where many people thought I could only rely on myself – it struck a chord with the audience. Especially at my age, films like this are a lot of fun for me these days.

You wanted to be a boxer.

I was 16 when I suffered a concussion in a fight that I actually won. The fight only lasted two minutes, but that was enough. I could hardly understand what my father and the coach were saying to me, it was as if they were speaking Arabic. Then I gave up.

You’ve been a star for 35 years. Do you miss anonymity?

I don’t feel the glory that much, so I don’t suffer from it. I don’t live in LA In New York, nobody cares what you do, who you are. Late success never went to my head. I didn’t have to take drugs to deal with it.

What did you “learn” when you played sex researcher “Kinsey” (2004)?

I learned as a boy from scribbling pornography in a bar toilet. I felt very guilty. Nothing like that was ever talked about at home. I’m an Irish Catholic from a small town. I remember one dinner when my mom asked my dad, “Guess who’s pregnant?” – then he put down the fork and said: “How can you use such words?” The first time I masturbated I went straight to confession and the priest freaked out. He called it an illness. He yelled at me so loud that everyone in the church heard. I kind of snuck off as the biggest wanker in town – it was just horrible.

How do you deal with the death of Natasha ( 2009)?

I don’t have dreams about my wife, at least I can’t remember. But I talk to her every day, her grave is only two kilometers from my house, and I visit it often and have conversations with her in my head. And no, she doesn’t answer me, but it’s similar to my conversations with some wonderful Irish actors I knew who were a major influence on me who are no longer with us.

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