Local Authorities in Brazil: Characteristics, Responsibilities and Types

2023-10-29 03:48:50

An autarchy is an entity that is part of indirect public administration, characterized by its autonomy in relation to the entity that established it, be it the Union, the State, the Municipality or the Federal District. Unlike direct public administration, local authorities have greater freedom and autonomy to carry out their activities, acting in a decentralized manner.

Characteristics of an Autarchy

Brazilian authorities have some specific characteristics that distinguish them from other entities. Firstly, they must perform a social and public function, working in areas such as education, social security, public transport, among others, that have a direct impact on society.

Furthermore, local authorities are public entities, which means that private sector companies cannot fall into this category. They are supervised by the State, even though they have autonomy to carry out their activities. Employees are hired through public competitions, as well as in public administration bodies.

An autarchy must be self-sustainable, that is, it must have its own resources to finance its activities, without depending directly on the government. This guarantees your independence and ability to act.

Responsibilities of an Authority

Local authorities are responsible for developing activities that meet the social and public demands of the Brazilian community. They provide social services and carry out activities that have public prerogatives, always respecting the laws and regulations of the sector in which they operate.

Although they have autonomy, local authorities must follow the guidelines established for their segment of activity. They are supervised by the State, ensuring that their activities comply with current legislation.

Types of Local Authorities in Brazil

In Brazil, there are different types of authorities, which can be classified according to the level of government responsible for their supervision.

  • Federal Authority: They are supervised by the Federal Government and have their own autonomy and resources. Examples include the National Social Security Institute (INSS), responsible for social security, and the National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL), which regulates the telecommunications sector.
  • State Authority: They are supervised by state governments and also have their own autonomy and resources. Examples include the University of São Paulo (USP) and the São Paulo State Research Support Foundation (FAPESP).
  • Municipal Autarchy: They are supervised by municipal governments and operate in specific areas of each city. A common example are companies responsible for water supply and basic sanitation.
  • District Authority: They are established by the Federal District and have autonomy to operate in specific areas. Examples include the Brasília Zoo Foundation and the Federal District Inspection Agency.

How did local authorities emerge in Brazil?

Local authorities emerged in Brazil following Decree-Law No. 200/1967, which brought significant changes in the organization of public administration, both in direct and indirect administration.

Direct public administration is made up of the bodies that are part of the federative entity, such as the Union, the State, the Municipality or the Federal District. Indirect public administration is made up of entities with autonomy to carry out their activities, such as local authorities, public companies, public foundations and mixed-economy companies.

Local authorities were created to carry out activities typical of the State, however, without an economic nature. They have their own legal personality and autonomy to carry out their administrative activities in a decentralized manner.


Local authorities play an important role in indirect public administration in Brazil. They have specific characteristics that differentiate them from other entities, such as their autonomy, social responsibility and supervision by the State.

With different types of authorities operating at different levels of government, they play a fundamental role in providing services and meeting social and public demands. Its self-sustainable role guarantees independence to carry out its activities, always in compliance with the sector’s laws and regulations.

Local authorities are an essential part of the country’s administrative structure, contributing to the development and well-being of Brazilian society.

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