“Maduro was given time, legitimacy and money without even sitting down”

Photo: File- María Corina Machado: in Venezuela there must be real negotiation.

María Corina Machado, national coordinator of Vente Venezuela, rejection the resumption of talks between the opposition and the government of Nicolás Maduro. As well as the news -not yet officially confirmed- of the alleged relief of some sanctions by the Joe Biden government to Maduro officials.

«If what is sought is for the regime to give in, how can they be granted everything they want before sitting down? There have been 14 dialogue processes and the regime has been deceiving everyone. And, in the end, it is clear that these are mechanisms through which Maduro seeks time, legitimacy and money, and here he is being given all three things before he even sits down,” Machado told NTN24, according to a shared note for his Vente Venezuela party.

Machado’s opinion

The leader said: “This has been a moral blow because the United States has been one of our main allies in the fight for freedom.” She also called sanctions relief “inconceivable” by ensuring that “giving oxygen” to Maduro benefits Vladimir Putin.

And he stated: «The regime chooses when it sits, for what, where and with whom. How can we Venezuelans feel at this moment, when we see that what is taking place in the dialogue is clear: the regime defends the interests of the regime; the Russians the interests of the Russians; United States those of the United States, but who defends the interests of Venezuelans? It’s a big mistake, at the worst time.”

What happens in Venezuela, he affirmed, affects hemispheric security. “When you have Russia, Iran, China in the territory, they have an ultimate goal: to undermine democratic institutions, and this is known by broad sectors of the United States,” he insisted.

He dismissed the opposition, assuring that “he has his interests there.” “I think that this sector that calls itself the opposition also has its interests there because they have said that the exit must be postponed until 2024, and it is one more farce. But those are them, they do not represent Venezuelans », he opined.

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