Maintaining a Healthy Body During Pregnancy: 6 Rules for Weight Control and Important Nutritional Tips

2023-06-19 04:02:16

Pregnant women are pregnant, and relatives and friends often care about “how many kilograms have you gained?” In fact, pregnant mothers should not be overweight. Foreign studies have found that being overweight during pregnancy will greatly increase the chances of developing diabetes. How should pregnant mothers eat to maintain a healthy body?

According to the British “Daily Mail” (Daily Mail) report, a diabetes study published in the journal of the European Association (journal of the European Association) pointed out that if a pregnant woman’s BMI value has exceeded 30 before pregnancy, or increased during pregnancy Over 12 kg, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes is 43 times higher. Janet Fyle, consultant to the Royal College of Midwives, said the study was a reminder that expectant mothers should maintain a healthy weight during pregnancy.

There are hidden worries about being overweight during pregnancy, and the only way to be healthy is to control your weight

It is inevitable for pregnant mothers to gain weight, and an increase of 21 to 28 pounds (equivalent to 9.5 to 12 kilograms) is a reasonable range, but if they gain too much weight, it will have adverse effects on the health of pregnant women. Regarding pregnancy, many Taiwanese people have the concept of “one person eats two people”. Some pregnant mothers also think that during this “special period” they can eat as much as they want, and they don’t control desserts. As a result, not only the baby does not grow up It is relatively strong, and the mother-to-be has gained a lot of weight!

In fact, there is no conflict between nutritional supplementation and weight control. The key is to eat more healthy and non-fat food. Otherwise, an unbalanced diet will not only affect the baby’s development, but also cause the mother to gain weight. The following is a comprehensive summary of the suggestions put forward by Annabel Karmel, a child nutrition expert who was awarded the MBE Medal by the Queen of England, and Elena Lucchi, a nutrition therapist, in an interview with the “Daily Mail” to see what to do Eat to maintain a healthy body!

It is inevitable for pregnant mothers to gain weight, and an increase of 21 to 28 pounds (equivalent to 9.5 to 12 kilograms) is a reasonable range, but if they gain too much weight, it will have adverse effects on the health of pregnant women.

It is inevitable for pregnant mothers to gain weight, and an increase of 21 to 28 pounds (equivalent to 9.5 to 12 kilograms) is a reasonable range, but if they gain too much weight, it will have adverse effects on the health of pregnant women.

6 Rules for Pregnant Mommy’s Healthy Body

1. Supplement calcium and vitamin D

Calcium is very important for the development of the baby’s bones and teeth, so mothers must supplement calcium and vitamin D, which can promote calcium absorption. However, since the vitamin D content in most foods is not high, it is recommended that pregnant women can use vitamin D oral tablets under the guidance of a doctor to strengthen supplementation.

2. Eat more seeds and fish with high satiety

Expectant mothers can eat more magnesium-rich foods such as pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and baked potatoes, which not only help convert food into energy, but also have a high sense of satiety and help maintain weight. In addition, it is recommended that mothers-to-be eat more salmon, mackerel, walnuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds, etc., which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. quite beneficial.

Expectant mothers can eat more magnesium-rich foods such as pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and baked potatoes, which not only help convert food into energy, but also have a high sense of satiety and help maintain weight.

Expectant mothers can eat more magnesium-rich foods such as pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and baked potatoes, which not only help convert food into energy, but also have a high sense of satiety and help maintain weight.

3. Drink plenty of water and fiber

Drinking plenty of water between meals can not only make pregnant mothers feel full and less likely to look for snacks, but can also be eaten together with fiber to prevent constipation. Plus, fiber supports gut health and helps you achieve your ideal weight.

4. Eat less dessert

Sweets contain a lot of refined sugars, which can cause rapid increases in blood sugar and insulin, making it easy to become obese. In addition, because sweets lack cellulose, they are digested and absorbed faster in the stomach and intestines. After eating desserts, it is easy to feel hungry again and eat more instead. In addition, commercially available sweets often contain artificial sweeteners that can stimulate appetite, and pregnant mothers should avoid them.

5. Skip soda and coffee

Expectant mothers must drink less soft drinks and caffeinated drinks. When you want to drink soda, you can use soda water and a slice of lemon instead. Coffee will affect the development of the fetus, and it does not have much nutrition. It is best not to drink it at all, and use herbal tea instead. It is worth noting that as long as it is a food containing caffeine, it should be avoided. A 50-gram piece of milk chocolate contains up to 25 mg of caffeine, and pregnant mothers should control their daily caffeine intake below 200 mg.

Expectant mothers must drink less soft drinks and caffeinated drinks. When you want to drink soda, you can use soda water and a slice of lemon instead.

Expectant mothers must drink less soft drinks and caffeinated drinks. When you want to drink soda, you can use soda water and a slice of lemon instead.

6. Exercise 3 times a week

In order to maintain your ideal weight, in addition to a healthy diet, regular exercise is also very important. Pregnant mothers can actually exercise. Walking for 30 minutes a day and three times a week is enough. In addition, swimming and yoga are also good exercises, and expectant mothers can increase the amount of exercise under professional guidance.

It is not difficult at all to take in adequate nutrition and maintain an ideal weight during pregnancy. As long as you follow a healthy diet and avoid foods that are prone to gaining weight, you can perfectly control your weight, so that pregnancy will no longer be equated with bloating, and you will become as slim as Princess Kate !

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