Maintenance of telephone lines

2022-11-02 23:00:00

N° 79



Registered at the Presidency of the Senate on October 26, 2022


tending has to put back l’interview of the lines telephone has the charge of the operators of the networks,


By Mrs. Valérie BOYER, MM. Patrick CHAIZE, Laurent BURGOA, Alain HOUPERT, Mrs Else JOSEPH, Anne CHAIN-LARCHE, MM. Pierre CUYPERS, Pierre CHARON, Édouard COURTIAL, Christian KLINGER, Mmes Marie-Christine CHAUVIN, Françoise DUMONT, Sylvie GOY-CHAVENT, MM. Louis-Jean de NICOLAŸ, Antoine LEFÈVRE, Michel SAVIN, Jean-François RAPIN, Alain CHATILLON, Mrs Catherine BELRHITI, Mr Max BRISSON, Mrs Vivette LOPEZ, MM. Daniel LAURENT, Gilbert BOUCHET, François CALVET, André REICHARDT, Philippe TABAROT, Rémy POINTEREAU, Mrs Brigitte MICOULEAU, MM. Gérard LONGUET, Gilbert FAVREAU, Ms Pascale GRUNY, Béatrice GOSSELIN, Corinne IMBERT, Agnès CANAYER, MM. Laurent DUPLOMB, Stéphane PIEDNOIR, Stéphane SAUTAREL, Daniel GREMILLET, Mrs Catherine DEROCHE, Isabelle RAIMOND-PAVERO, Toine BOURRAT, Frédérique GERBAUD, Elsa SCHALCK, MM. Laurent SOMON, Jean-Baptiste BLANC, Mrs Nadine BELLUROT, Laurence GARNIER, Marie MERCIER, Frédérique PUISSAT, MM. Jérôme BASCHER, Hugues SAURY, Sébastien MEURANT, Mrs Patricia DEMAS, MM. Stéphane LE RUDULIER, Mathieu DARNAUD, Mrs Anne VENTALON, Florence LASSARADE, Laurence MULLER-BRONN, Joëlle GARRIAUD-MAYLAM, Catherine DUMAS, Sylviane NOËL, MM. Philippe BAS, Thierry MEIGNEN, Mrs Sabine DREXLER, Mr Henri LEROY, Mrs Christine BONFANTI-DOSSAT, Alexandra BORCHIO FONTIMP, MM. Bruno SIDO, Bruno BELIN, Bernard FOURNIER and François BONHOMME,

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(Sent to committee economic affairssubject to the possible constitution of a special committee under the conditions provided for by the Rules.)

#Maintenance #telephone #lines

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