Institute for Natural Health Protection Which foods protect your hearing?

2023-08-09 15:42:25

Dear friend, dear friend,

There are different causes for deafness or hearing loss.

It can be genetic or birth related.

But it can also be due to too regular exposure to noise or excessive noise above 85 decibels. (1)

Nutrition can help limit breakage.

First of all :
reduce your noise exposure!

Exposure to noise affects many people in the population, especially young people.

This is often related to earphones or headphones with which many teenagers or young adults listen to music too loudly, too long, too often. 50% of them would face this problem. (1)

It is obvious that by avoiding exposure to sounds that are too powerful or violent, such as those of concerts, machines, construction machinery, streets or roads that are too busy, etc. protect your ears.

It is definitely worth equipping your bedroom and your home with double glazing and good insulation if you live in an area with very noisy traffic. (2)

Also, having a quality headset for listening to music or your on-screen entertainment is helpful. These helmets are expensive but they last a long time. It is an investment for your health or that of your children.

Similarly, using headphones or earmuffs when doing DIY or gardening is not superfluous.

Certain nutrients can also protect your ears and their valuable functions.

The good news is that you can easily find these nutrients in the diet. They are very present, for example, in the Mediterranean diet.

Vitamins B6, B9 and B12 help you make glutathione!

Folic acid, or vitamin B9, along with vitamins B6 and B12, allows your body to process a substance called homocysteine. (3,4,5)

This is produced by the liver and kidneys.

The broken down homocysteine ​​is used to make cells and produce glutathione.

This substance is a powerful antioxidant.

As long as your body makes them, you are well protected against free radicals.

But if you suffer from a deficiency in vitamins B6, B9 and B12, there is a risk that homocysteine ​​will no longer be metabolized.

It accumulates in your body. And, what’s more serious, your glutathione levels start to drop.

And that’s why for doctors, the level of homocysteine ​​in the body is an important biological marker of aging or dysfunction.

And this problem can affect hearing because inner ear cells are sensitive to free radicals.

But the risk is more general. A lack of glutathione weakens the brain and can cause early onset dementia. It also increases the risk of stroke.

You will find vitamin B6 in many foods in small amounts. The highest concentrations are found in offal, meat, fish, brewer’s yeast and whole grains and legumes. (6)

Refined cereals are devoid of vitamin B6.
Vitamin B9 or folic acid is present in organ meats, legumes and dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach or chard or even kale and broccoli. (7)

Whole grains can also provide folic acid, as well as eggs, seafood, and flax seeds. (7)

You will get vitamin B12 if you eat animal products, especially organ meats and shellfish. (8)

There is also some in certain algae such as spirulina or in whole grains but it is not always assimilable. If you are a vegan, vitamin B12 supplementation is worth considering. (8)

And the winning combination is:
A, C, E + Mg+ !

Many studies have been conducted on hearing with mixed results.

But in 2007, researchers showed that a formula including vitamins A, C, and E combined with magnesium had a protective effect against noise exposure.

This study was conducted on guinea pigs.

These poor beasts were exposed to a deafening noise for them.

Animals that received the formula had 80% less damage than animals that did not receive this combination. (9)

Unfortunately, a similar study conducted among Swedish servicemen came to a less clear-cut conclusion.

The only thing we know for sure is that humans are more complex than guinea pigs.

That said, these three vitamins have an antioxidant effect. Their action against free radicals, like that of glutathione, protects your ears and hearing.

You will find vitamin C in parsley, citrus fruits, cabbage and even sauerkraut! (10)

Lemon is particularly rich in it and so are kiwis. Red fruits and berries also deserve to be on your menu!

Vitamin A is present in dark green leafy vegetables as well as orange vegetables including, of course, carrots! (11)

Fish oil also contains it and beef liver also as well as butter and cheeses.

Foods that give you vitamin E include almonds, wheat germ seeds, avocados, fish, sunflower seeds and oil, safflower oil, pine nuts, green vegetables like spinach or asparagus. (12)

Almonds, pumpkin seeds, spinach, legumes and buckwheat are rich in magnesium. (13)

Finally, omega 3 fatty acids are known for their protective role in the brain and could therefore also protect the ears and hearing. (14)

The latter, as you probably already know, are present in fatty fish such as sardines or mackerel, in fish oil and in flax or hemp seeds or the oil obtained from them.

Enjoy your food !

Naturally yours,

Augustine of Livois

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