Make Creative Art from Cutton Buds and Colored Paper

Looking for activities to spend time with your little one? You can try DIY creative art from cotton buds and colored paper. The ingredients are easy, unique and stimulate children’s creativity!

I made this creative art with Wafa and Ayyas, as well as the Saung Aksara children. DIY/Art/Craft is usually a literacy class schedule in the first week of every month. I saw the idea of ​​making this creative art on Tiktok, it looks quite easy and the results are really good. So creative. It turns out the kids really like it too.

Saung Aksara’s literacy class that Sunday seemed so quiet. Not because there were no children present, but because they were so engrossed in making creative art in the form of houses made of cotton buds and various colored paper.

Each child had fun sticking cotton buds together to make a house, then cutting colored paper to make roofs, doors and windows. The remaining colored paper is cut into heart shapes which are then glued together to resemble a hot air balloon.

Using white crayons, the children drew strings and then stuck hot air balloons on top. Be the art of creating a beautiful balloon house. It didn’t stop there, the children then got creative to decorate the finished house. Some decorate it with clouds, grass on the lawn, also birds or butterflies.

Some children who are still having difficulties are assisted by Mother Rotun or by older children. For example, when Audi wanted his house to have butterflies but he couldn’t make it, Mba Azka taught him to do it.

Art activities like this are fun and seem endless. Children’s creativity continues to emerge, they want to decorate it as well as possible. Until finally had to be given a time limit because the day was getting late.

After closing and taking a group photo, the children went home with their creations for decoration at their respective homes.

“It’s really fun to make works of art like this. At first, when I saw Mother’s example, I thought it would be easy and quick, but apparently not. It takes patience and persistence. As Mother said, there is always a process of everything. Hehe”, said Mba Fina, one of the children, laughing.

How, the results are good. Come on, try it at home too!

Tons of love,

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