Making love for the first time, a founding step – Featured

February 16, 2023

Is there an ideal age for the first sexual relationship? Not really. Only the shared desire counts. On the instructions side: consent and mutual respect are at the heart of the issue.

girls side

Provide a method of contraception. It would be a shame to spoil this moment with the fear of getting pregnant. So even if you are going to use a condom to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections (STIs), take the lead and adopt the method of contraception that suits you best. To get it prescribed, contact a gynecologist, a general practitioner or a midwife. Don’t forget that you can meet these health professionals at a family planning or education centre.

Girls and boys side

Practice using a condom. Because we agree, it’s out of the question to do without it, even if it’s your first time together. Wanting to protect yourself and the other from STIs does not mean that you have something to hide or that you do not trust the other. On the contrary, it’s just ultra-responsible behavior. That being said, don’t wait for D-Day to familiarize yourself with this device, which will surely accompany you for a while. Whether you’re a boy or a girl, practice using it. Girls, find out also about the female condom, which is still too little known.

Don’t think performance. Lack of experience obliges, it will perhaps not be the blow of the century. So what ? You have your whole life for that. Do not seek to imitate the actors that you would have seen in videos. Also, don’t compare yourself to boyfriends and girlfriends who brag about their accomplishments. They may have sought to embellish reality! Take full advantage of the present moment. If you really want it and you both feel confident, this first time will inevitably remain a very beautiful memory, even if it does not look quite like what you imagined.

Allow yourself to change your mind. You were very excited and yet, when it comes time to go further, you are afraid? You don’t want to anymore? Say it, don’t force yourself to please the other. Does he/she seem disappointed? It’s his right, just like you have the right to change your mind. Wait a bit for things to settle down and talk about it all cold. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll never make it together, just that you need a little more time. He/she doesn’t understand the message and doesn’t want to hear from you anymore? Praise yourself and thank your gut, that boy/girl didn’t deserve to share that first time with you.

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