Manual car for the first time in driving school. I completely stalled (laughs)[Shota Inoue Blog]

2023-08-28 12:00:00


The other day, I was allowed to drive a friend’s mission (manual) car!

I was very nervous because it was my first time driving a mission car. But I usually ride a motorcycle and understand how gears work, so it’s okay! I made the engine stall firmly when I started.

Memories of driving in the car remain in the summer. Have you done anything summery? What I want to do this summer is get in the car with my friends and go to the beach in August. Did you achieve it by the time the blog was published?

The hot days continue, but be careful not to catch a cold and enjoy the summer!

#Manual #car #time #driving #school #completely #stalled #laughsShota #Inoue #Blog

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