Marielys Ávila: “To create a successful business, we must first work on our emotional and mental well-being”

Marielys Ávila She is a high-level businesswoman and has more than 30 years of experience in physical and online businesses. She is currently a digital marketing and spirituality strategist, being the Marketing Espiritual her differentiating value proposition as a mentor. If you are wondering what spiritual marketing is, Marielys part of the fact that “to create a successful business, we must first work on our emotional and mental well-being to be able to externalize that idea or project that will make us successful”.

She is the mother of a daughter named Shannen and He has two grandchildren who, he says, brighten his life and motivate him daily to give the best of himself to his family and to the world. She defends that in order to receive you have to give, and to his family he gives them the best, because without them she would be incomplete.

She integrates all the parts of being a woman on a day-to-day basis and this allows her to work with her clients so that they are more authentic, more aligned and therefore happier.

We have just passed the commemoration of Women’s Day, are you one of those who celebrate it?

Indeed, I believe and consider that Women’s Day is one of the international celebrations of my choice, because on this day we remember and echo the evolution that we have had in terms of rights and freedoms. Being a woman is not being weak or having to do housework. Being a woman is being brave, fighting, and persisting… Because without those 3 actions today we would not celebrate this wonderful day.

I love being a woman and the energy we have as unlimited beings, so for me March 8 is a magical day, where you have to live more proud than any other day for having the gender we have.

Have you ever felt discriminated against for being a woman? Where?

As a woman I have felt discriminated against in many aspects of my life. Not only now as an entrepreneur and businesswoman but always… I come from a country where women are fighters, but where there is also a lot of machismo, so discrimination has been a “common” factor in my life, but one that I do not normalize. I seek to eradicate demonstrating how equal I am energetically and mentally to men. So much so that currently there are many men who feel discriminated against for not being able to be my clients, since my main target are the women. This does not mean that I cannot work with a man, I have done it and it is a gratifying experience, because they love to team up with me.

Do you feel it is necessary to have a day dedicated to working women?

Just like you have a day to celebrate love, another to celebrate mothers, another to celebrate pizza, it’s great that you have a day to celebrate and exalt all those women who don’t stand idly by waiting. that someone else solve our lives, but rather that we decide to work in ourselves and for ourselves.

On women’s day we do not celebrate that we are better, nor do we celebrate vanity, we celebrate that we are beings capable of achieving and achieving our goals and dreams just like any man. We celebrate that we have the freedom to decide professionally what we want to do with our lives, and how important we are today for society in many aspects.

You have to celebrate everything good, and women in this era are more active than ever before, so you have to celebrate this progress…

Have you felt that your professional life has suffered from the fact of being a mother?

As a mother and grandmother, instead of feeling resentful, I have felt encouraged and helped by my family. In 2016 I went through a dark stage in my life from which I was able to get out thanks to the love and support of my daughter, she was my motivation to keep going and find myself again in the midst of a great depression that inhabited my body, but not my spirit .

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My daughter is my great pillar and motivation, she has become my business partner (together we have a restaurant), so instead of limiting me, she has developed me, everything I do and have done has been for me and for her. . The family does not have to limit our professional life, on the contrary, it must complement and promote it…

Do you find the campaigns of the ministry of equality positive with respect to women’s rights?

For some years there have been several rights and freedoms that women have obtained thanks to a constant campaign and fight for our visibility as human beings; however, I believe that we must continue standing to preserve what we already have, it is never enough, we must continue to show how powerful, intelligent and capable we are for society; a society is built by its members and today’s women are great potential for society.

Are you in favor of gender quotas?

Without a doubt, the gender of a person does not limit the ability to hold high-level positions, and of a governmental nature. As a woman, throughout my years as an entrepreneur, I have surrounded myself with many people of different genders and I have realized that the only thing missing is support and social initiative to see great changes, because there are many women with wonderful ideas that could change the world for the better. if given the opportunity to demonstrate them. And fortunately, thanks to gender quotas, we are on our way to more equitable spaces in terms of gender.

You can get to know her better and access her services-> HERE

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