Marriage scares me; You don’t have to get married thinking everyone is doing it – Archana Kavi

Marriage scares me; Don’t get married thinking everyone else is doing it: Archana Kavi

Actress Archana Kavi said that it is not compulsory for everyone to get married and we should not assume that everyone is doing it. The actor said that it is important to live in a state of happiness and peace.

In an interview given to Vanitha, the actor clarified his position while talking about his mental health problems and the breakup of his marriage.

“After marriage I was in Mumbai. When he came to Delhi to meet his father and mother, he went to church with his mother. During the Mass, I began to feel sad, as sad as when a loved one dies.

After coming home that day, he cried non-stop for the whole day. At that time it was felt that this situation should be ended somehow.

My mother took me to the gynecologist. It was also the time when she realized that she could not get along with her husband Abish Mathew.

I said that now it is not the baby that needs the help of a psychiatrist. Abish was a man who could understand mental problems. We were childhood friends.

But after getting married, I realized that friendship is not enough for a life together. A good life is possible only if the two people’s ideas about married life are aligned.

I am an emotional person. Abish is also a practical thinker. Abish’s view is that it is enough to see each other only occasionally in between busy schedules. I believe that is not enough.

Both thoughts are correct. The problem is that it doesn’t fit.

It’s not to say that our life was completely bad even though we were separated. There are many good experiences. Therefore, there is no need to hate or throw mud at each other.

In the light of experience, marriage is a bit scary for me today. It is not mandatory that everyone should live in marriage. It cannot be said that if the mind is ripe in the future, it will not go into a relationship.

We don’t have to jump on the bandwagon and do something because everyone else is doing it. “Just live in a state of happiness and peace,” said Archana Kavi.

Content Highlight: Actress Archana Kavi about marriage

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