“Mastering Your Emotions: Tips to Control Anger and Improve Well-Being”

2023-05-07 20:30:38

By Maria Laura Garcia

One of the most destructive feelings for our health and mental health is anger, anger or anger. So much so that it is just as harmful, for the one who feels it and manifests it without control, as for the one who receives it.

It is capable of damaging the energy of the environment, causing everything to get complicated and any number of setbacks to arise, slowing down success, prosperity… peace. It demotivates, reduces energy, slows down the impulse or the desire of even the most positive.


Therefore, whether you have to be the bin in which an irate person throws all his garbage or you are one of those who cannot control yourself and damages, intentionally or unintentionally, the emotional balance of others, pay attention to this article, because I will give you very personal tips to protect your well-being, because IRA harms everyone, without exception.


Controlling an attack of rage can be quite a challenge, but it can be done, at least most of the time, because there are little tricks to not lose your temper, whether you are the one who explodes frequently or, to not react in the same proportion if you are the permanent victim of an iracundo. And be careful, anger is a normal emotion, even a healthy one, but it is important to deal with it in a positive way so as not to harm your health, much less that of others.

The first thing is essential Think before speak. Take 10 minutes and even more, to take a deep breath, walk, go to the bathroom and lock yourself up, before responding to an attack or to become an aggressor because something bothered you. Even if I’m really upset and I can go out exerciseI do, because that allows me to think properly and calm down.

If you are angry, it is easier to say something that you will later regret, so give yourself a little space that will even help the other people involved to do the same.

Another recommendation is always express what we feel, but from the calm, without any emotion. This will give you the focus to express yourself clearly, but with less risk of hurting others, which should be avoided at all costs. Express your concerns and needs honestly, but trying not to hurt or control others.

Physical activity can help reduce the stress that anger can cause you. If you feel that anger is winning the battle, go for a brisk walk or run. Or do some physical activity that you enjoy.

In stressful times, I I take a playtime. These aren’t just for the kids. As I wrote to you above, give yourself the chance for small breaks on days that are very stressful. This habit can help you feel better prepared to deal with events that irritate or anger you.

Instead of concentrating on what made you angryidentify possible solutions to those problems. Strive to resolve what disturbs you and not ruminate from anger. Also, be aware that some things are simply out of our control and let go, as anger doesn’t fix anything and could only make you physically and spiritually sick.

If you have to express your annoyance, you must be empathetic, never use qualifiers, or criticize or blame, because with it, you will only increase the tension. For example, say, “I’m upset that you went to work without helping me serve and clear up breakfast” instead of “You never help me with chores.”

If you don’t forgive the other person’s grievance, and bring it to the table every time something happens, you will never allow anger and other negative feelings to be replaced by positive ones. Your own bitterness or sense of injustice will always overwhelm you; and not only with that person, but with everything, because you will live FIGHTING WITH LIFE.

Focus on the good and the positive, and not the bad, laugh at yourself and at life. Use humor to help you deal with what is upsetting you and, if possible, lower your expectations that may be unrealistic as to how things should turn out; and above all avoid sarcasm, since it can hurt feelings more complicate things.

The meditation and breathing exercises They can come in handy when you are feeling very angry. You can also listen to music, write or do yoga poses; anything helps you relax is valid.

And lastly… you must be sensible, and know when to seek help, if with all these tools that I mentioned you still cannot understand that, no matter how right you are or think you are, you cannot stop being the most reactive and hurtful person in the world. world.


It’s good to check yourself if you often use words like “never” or “always” when talking about yourself or someone else, for example, “This machine never works” or “You always forget things.” These words should be avoided because not only are they not accurate, but they also tend to make us feel that our anger is justified and that there is no way to solve the problem. In addition, they distance and humiliate people who might otherwise be willing to work with us to find a solution.

Try to express what the problem is and try to find a solution that works for both parties; because otherwise, it will never be possible to build, which must be, by the way, the only goal.

As they say in my town, the one who gets angry loses and remember that getting angry is not going to solve anything, that it will not make you feel better, on the contrary, it can make you feel worse.

Logic trumps anger, because anger, even when justified, can quickly become irrational, destroying rather than building. Therefore, try to use cold logic at all costs.

And I read this, and I thought it was great, therefore, I share it with you, summarized:

Angry people tend to demand fairness, appreciation, a willingness to have their own way, and sometimes agreement between the parties. Certainly, we all want these things and feel hurt and disappointed when we don’t get them; But annoying people demand them, and when their demands aren’t met, their disappointment turns to anger.

When we can’t get what we want, I insist, it’s normal to get angry, feel frustration, disappointment, pain, but not anger. In fact, some use their anger as a way to avoid feeling hurt, but beware, that doesn’t mean the pain will go away.

Many times our anger and frustration are caused by very real and unavoidable problems, therefore not all anger is misplaced, and it is often a healthy and natural response to these difficulties, but the best attitude to overcome such a situation is to focus not so much in finding the solution but in how to handle and face the problem, precisely in order not to lose control and with our anger harm others.

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