Mayor Pedro Vargas Mena, after only two months of tripartite government or “Pata de Gallina”, resigned


Grenada, Nicaragua

By: Augusto Cermeno

March 13, 2023

The Mayor of Granada, Pedro Vargas Mena, resigned from his position due to alleged health problems, due to a failed operation on his eyes, which did not allow him to operate as an active mayor in the Municipality of Granada.

This situation has not ceased to cause alarm among the citizens of Granada, due to the unexpected resignation from the position to which he was elected, after a great electoral campaign that allowed him to reach the main seat in the Municipal Mayor’s Office of Granada.

The official versions reveal that he resigned for health reasons, but the man from Granada, who is very perceptive, considers that “Pedrito Vargas” was not able to bear the gas of a government in the “Pata de Gallina” style, which is the submission and obedience to whatever is approved or not approved by INIFOM and the red and black party.

This situation was worse at the time when he went from vice mayor to interim mayor, due to the “retirement” of Mayor Julia Mena Rivera, who, without further explanation to her constituents and the people of Granada in general, left office, and so far no one knows for sure, what happened”, although it was the second term of Doña Julia.

It is evident that the famous Municipal Autonomy mentioned in Law 40, Article 38, in which it says: The State guarantees municipalities Political, Administrative and Financial Autonomy, which they enjoy, in accordance with the Constitution Policy”.

Regarding the election and dismissal of a Mayor, article 86 of Law 40 of Municipalities “is governed by the provisions of the electoral legislation, without prejudice to the provisions of the Political Constitution, the Law of Municipalities and these Regulations.” The ball is in the court of the Municipal authorities.

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