Medicine in Mexico in the 20th century (second part)

These conversations are part of our intangible or immaterial heritage, where we understand the importance of the development of the human being in a country, state or community.

Dr. Noyola told us the following: the medical school was the forerunner of two phenomena that have become widespread in the country. The first, that in 1958 it became mandatory that in the last year of the degree, the students did an internship in a hospital, which continues in health institutions such as the IMSS or the ISSSTE.

The second phenomenon that set the standard was on the admission exams, since from 1960 they began to be carried out in order to select those who had the best chance of finishing the degree. And it is that, previously, a good number entered, but many of them left in the first year.

They realized that it was not their vocation or that the preparation they had to enter the race was not enough to carry out those professional studies. In this way, it became the first school in the country to put admission exams, and, thus, raised the level of learning of the students and the work capacity of the Potosi doctor.

All these characteristics achieved during the first half of the 20th century allowed that, during the second half, Potosí medicine was among the best in the country, despite the fact that the size of the city and, therefore, its economy, is less than others that have a larger budget and, therefore, more complex equipment. However, the Central Hospital has been at the forefront in various issues such as organ transplants.

The foregoing does not imply that its importance has diminished in the 21st century, in fact, it has been extended to other types of transplants, such as kidney and liver, which implies a very high medical level, as is the wealth of heritage of San Luis Potosi.

Political Twitter:

Last Friday we were -like other officials of the government of Ricardo Gallardo Cardona- in several municipalities of San Luis Potosí, taking their representation to the first reports of various municipalities. In my case, I went to Coxcatlán, in the Huasteca Potosina, where we verified the good work and organization of its municipal president, Roberto Cruz Hurtado, and the warmth of the Huastecos.

From San Luis de la Patria

[email protected]


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