menstrual blood could help cure it

2023-07-04 12:24:00

Alzheimer’s disease is also the first cause of dementia in the world according to the WHO. Another important point to note, the population being aging, the number of cases in France should increase in the years to come. Thus, for the age group 85-89 years for example, the number of cases would increase from 356,114 in 2020 to 613,175 in 2040 according to the scientific journal Medicine/sciences.

Alzheimer’s disease is a disease neurodegenerative which is characterized by progressive and permanent damage to the brain.

It is characterized by the appearance of two types of lesions in the brain as explained by the Health Insurance:

Alzheimer’s Association lists on its website ten difficulties that patients may experience on a daily basis, including: memory loss that interfere with daily life, difficulty planning or solving problems, difficulty performing familiar tasks at home, work or leisure, or confusion with time or place. The disease is all the more constraining when its symptoms get worse with time.

Medical research advances to cure the disease

Research to combat the disease is advancing as shown by a recent study published in the National Library of Medicine. This shows the effectiveness of stem cells contained in the blood rules to treat Alzheimer’s disease. Often considered dirty or even impure, menstrual blood would therefore be of great interest for scientific research aimed at combating Alzheimer’s disease.

The researchers thus took a quantity of these stem cells contained in menstrual blood in order to administer them to the brains of mice in the laboratory.

This initially allowedimprove spatial learning and memory in mice. The study also reveals that the implanted stem cells significantly increased several enzymes degrading the amyloid plaques responsible for lesions in the brain in the case of Alzheimer’s disease.

However, as the study was only performed on mice, further research is needed to find out if a proven effectiveness may be observed in humans.

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