Mi Hazánk – AfD a very important ally – 2024-03-26 02:13:57

Our country

Party leader László Toroczkai is Mi Hazánk’s top candidate for the European elections.

Second on the list is his deputy Dora Duro (Mr), gave László Toroczkai (M.) announced at a press conference on Wednesday. The party leader explained his candidacy based on his personal popularity in order to give the voters pure wine about how Mi Hazánk is positioning himself.

Mi Hazánk is for a Europe of nations

The right thinks “all-Hungarian” and relies on a Hungarian future, contrary to the efforts of an international network of anti-national ideologists. Among the international partners, he highlighted the AfD as a “very important ally”. If the result of the European elections leads to the formation of new political groups in the European Parliament (EP), Mi Hazánk would like to join an anti-globalist faction that is committed to a Europe of nations.

Dóra Dúró promised a programmatic election campaign. Mi Hazánk will campaign for Hungarian interests in the EP. That’s what the right-wingers want the historian for Zsuzsanna Wine guest from the Institute of Hungarianism, the engineer-computer scientist Sylvester Kispalkó (l.) from the Serbian Vojvodina and the party’s foreign policy spokesman, Alreadynos Árgyela, send to Brussels. These three politicians occupy positions 3-5 on the list, but Toroczkai and Dúró definitely want to continue serving in the Hungarian parliament.

#Hazánk #AfD #important #ally

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