Migraine: why should you avoid cheese?

2024-04-12 15:58:56

In France, 11 million people suffer from migraines including 48.6% women between 30 and 50 years old. The 2nd most common disease in the world, migraine is the most common headache. Although not serious, it is nonetheless very annoying and even disabling. Indeed, the pain can last from a few hours to several days… According to ameli.fr, migraine is characterized by a headache (headache) of variable intensity, but often strong, recurring, pulsatile and most often unilateral and can be accompanied by various digestive or neurological symptoms.

Diet and migraine: is there a link?

If screens, alcohol, periods, lack of sleep can promote the appearance of migraines, diet can also be involved. Recent scientific studies suggest that certain foods help prevent migraine attacks or reduce their frequency …while others could make them worse! There is no exhaustive list of foods or drinks that cause migraine attacks…and trigger foods can vary from one individual to another. Among the ingredients incriminated by researchers:

Nitrates found in cold cuts and hot dogs, Sodium glutamate, Artificial sweeteners, including aspartame and sucralose Tyramine, a derivative of the amino acid tyrosine, phenylethylamine, alcohol, Caffeine , Histamine, Gluten…

What foods to avoid when you suffer from migraines?

Beyond this list of components with somewhat obscure names, certain foods could be identified as migraine triggers (also called “triggers“). Among them we find in particular:

chocolate (containing phenylethylamine), cold meats, tobacco, coffee alcohol (and in particular beer and wine) soy sauce and Chinese dishes (rich in phenylethylamine) sodas containing aspartame like sodas lights …certain cheeses due to their tyramine content…

What cheeses to avoid in case of migraines?

But not all cheeses should be put in the same bag! According to several studies, those which promote migraine attacks are those which are rich in tyramine either aged and fermented cheeses. Cheeses to avoid when you are prone to migraines:

Brie, Camembert, Roquefort, Gouda, Gorgonzola, Parmesan, feta, cheddar, blue cheese, gorgonzola…

What foods should you choose to avoid migraines?

According to Science, it is thanks to their content of minerals, vitamins and fatty acids that certain foods are indicated in the prevention of migraine attacks. This is the case of :

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This cheese is the lowest in calories and the best for health… Expired, blue, moldy grated cheese: should I throw it away or should I eat it?

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#Migraine #avoid #cheese

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