Miraculous Escapes: Surviving Train Accidents in Belgium

2023-11-20 13:04:48

While the accident between a heavy goods vehicle and a train in Ardoye is still on everyone’s minds, another tragedy was narrowly avoided this Tuesday around 9:30 a.m. in Geel station. A 14-year-old girl was waiting for the train at the side of the tracks when, for an as yet unknown reason, she fell onto the rails. A priori she would have slipped but a suicide attempt is not yet completely ruled out. A train was arriving at the station at that time and was unable to brake in time to avoid running over the teenager.

By a miracle, the young girl survived this accident. According to The newspapaer, she was saved thanks to the space being large enough between the bottom of the train and the ground not to crush her body. Rail traffic was therefore directly interrupted and the emergency services were able to very quickly free the young girl from the rails. The train driver was also taken to hospital, extremely shocked by what he had just experienced.

Read also An SNCB train collides with a truck in Ardoye this Tuesday: the circumstances of the collision not yet known, “the damage caused by the accident is particularly significant”

Another accident was also narrowly avoided last week in Flanders. A bicycle had crossed a level crossing at full speed and was very lightly hit by the train at the last moment. The teenager was only slightly injured in the head.

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