Mistake by Moroccan National Team Goalkeeper Yassine Bono Almost Results in Own Goal – Sports Observatory

2023-10-15 09:55:04

Sports Observatory: Social media pioneers circulated a video clip of Moroccan national team goalkeeper Yassine Bono making a mistake that almost resulted in scoring an own goal in the match that was held for the Moroccan national team and its counterpart in Ivory Coast.

The clip showed an Ivory Coast player trying to score a goal in the 25th minute, but Bono blocked it and kicked the ball towards one of his teammates, but a player from the opposing team intervened and took it.

This mistake almost resulted in a goal against the Moroccan team, but one of the Moroccan team players saved the situation and kept the ball out of the net, and Bono took the ball.

#Watch.. #Yassine #Bounou #mistake #resulted #goal #country

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