“Monkey pox, a benign disease”, according to Pr Daouda Kassoum Minta

#Other countries : According to Daouda Kassoum Minta, Associate Professor of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, there is nothing to worry about monkeypox, the first known case of which in Africa dates back to 1970. It is not a fatal condition. , but giving rise to complications in some cases.

According to the Associate Professor of Medicine and Specialists in Infectious and Tropical Diseases, monkeypox is a zoonosis transmitted to humans from an animal, namely, the monkey.

It was first described in 1958 in a Danish laboratory, but the first African case was not officially recorded until 1970 in a nine-month-old boy. It is a virus which circulates in Central Africa, in West Africa, always explains the specialist.

Monkeypox is a mild disease with a mortality rate of no more than 10%, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Obviously, the disease can have complications in some people including pregnant women, people with HIV, children.

It manifests itself in the form of headache, pneumonia, irritation in the eye. The associate in infectious and tropical diseases, Professor Daouda Kassoum Minta advises the population to isolate suspected cases and contact cases for a period of three weeks.

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