“Mortal Kombat 1 Takes Up 100GB of Space: Is it Worth the Storage?”

2023-05-23 09:43:35

In Mortal Kombat 1on the Steam pageIt’s been confirmed that the game will take up 100GB of hard drive or SSD space, at least on PC. While it’s possible that’s a different number for a console, a lot of people online aren’t happy to give up so much space for a fighting game.

It’s also not as packed as any DLC, which may take up more space on your computer. Mortal Kombat 1 doesn’t seem to require incredible PC specs aside from its need for space though, and as for recommended performance, all you need is a GTX 1080 Ti or equivalent graphics card, 8GB of RAM, and an Intel Core i5-8400 or equivalent AMD processor.

Considering that the developers had to pack the Earth Realm, the Outer Worlds, the Nether, and about 10 other realms into this game, we can see why it can take up a lot of space. Seriously, though, with the sprawling story mode of MK games these days, this probably added a lot of extra storage requirements.

what do you think? Does Mortal Kombat 1 need less SSD space?

#Mortal #Kombat #huge #file #size

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