Mother who bit her son was released hours later for “lack of evidence”

The eight-month-old boy had bites all over his body. He was also malnourished.

The 18-year-old mother of an 8-month-old boy was taken into custody after the grandparents took the child to a health center in Barranquilla, Colombia, because he had injuries on his body, caused by several bites that she herself made. .

However hours later she was released by a judge.

Once the case was registered, the Police for Children and Adolescents captured the child’s mother. The doctors who treated the boy in the hospital assured that he presented a picture of malnutrition, according to the report published by RCN News.

Judge declares detention illegal and frees mother

“An 18-year-old woman was captured, which would have caused harm to a baby … Thanks to the timely complaint from the citizens, this person was captured and made available to the competent authorities,” said the chief. Child Protection Police of Barranquilla, Major César González.

“The Police found this case thanks to the doctors’ report and a capture of the mother was presented, who has to answer for the regrettable behavior that occurs with a minor,” explained General Luis Carlos Hernández, police commander .

However, the mother was not detained for long, since she was not discovered in flagrante delicto.

“A guarantee control judge declared that the woman’s detention was illegal and she was released,” the reports say. At the moment, the 8-month-old baby is in a foster home.

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