Motivating phrases that increase your well-being every morning

On the occasion of the third anniversary of ABC Bienestar, our nutrition, fitness and psychology portal for those who make wellness their philosophy of life, we bring together some of the phrases that have accompanied our readers during these last 1000 days. What have the motivational quotes what makes them so endearing? For starters, we tend to find a concise expression that perfectly reflects our own beliefs just when we least expect it but when we need it most.

motivational quotes
we like them because they feel like our own opinions simply posted by talented writers who once went viral. And the right quote at the right time can change things: words matter and motivating phrases they can encourage us to pick ourselves up, get through tough times, take action, stop

escape from our comfort zone, invest in personal growth, start a business or do the hard work that needs to be done, among many other things.

But not only famous personalities, many of them are no longer in this world, they have served as inspiration in our day to day, they themselves also needed other figures to overcome difficult times, remember an important personal principle or even get some inspiration to be more productive. In business and in normal life, quotes are little bits of wit and wisdom that get our mind to ‘click’ and we take the first step towards the change we seek or yearn for.

That person who knows what he is saying, who is aware of the strength of his words and his knowledge speaks calmly, without raising his voice and without losing his nerves.

What do you think of yourself? What do you like the most? And what less? We are often more aware of the opinions of others than of our criteria and our reflections.

I should have kept quiet, I should have listened, I should have spoken. The truth of silence. The opportune silence and the adequate silence. The silence in time. Fair conversation. Learning to shut up, listen and, when it’s time, speak…

Choose who needs you because they love you, not who loves you because they need you.

Loneliness can be a relief or a burden, depending on how you take it, feel it, or take advantage of it. Finding yourself alone can give us the key to who is worthwhile and who is not in our lives.

We can listen here and there, value to a greater or lesser extent what other people advise us or what other people give us, but always keeping in mind that no one is the possessor of the absolute truth and that opinions are not facts, but opinions. Take them as such and your vision of the world and those around you will change…

What if we start doing everything possible to not have to be asking for forgiveness all the time?

What are you afraid of? What do you feel is your biggest drag? Let go of moorings, free yourself from complexes, insecurities and people who do not contribute to you. Free yourself from what remains in your life. It’s time to float without fear and to travel without unnecessary weight!

With whom do you show yourself weak and vulnerable? How do you feel after doing it? Do they welcome you, help you, calm you down or do they overwhelm you, distance themselves and downplay your concerns? Checking the reactions of the people who supposedly love you when you show yourself as you feel, without shield or character, provides a lot of data about the relationship you have with those people. A lots of…

Being tolerant is a value in itself that you should be proud of and that deserves to be protected and cultivated. Tolerance saves lives and makes us better people…

Pride is useless… Willing to convert it into another more productive emotion? Go for it.

And this is more than enough, don’t you think?

We spend our lives worried. Wouldn’t it be better to deal with what needs to be dealt with instead of worrying about what we don’t know is going to happen? There we leave this morning reflection.

Many of our followers connected with the message of “less talk and more action” and bet on trying to worry less and take more care.

Many of our followers connected with the message of “less talk and more action” and bet on trying to worry less and take more care.

See them

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