“Motochorros” were run over by a driver after assaulting older adults

In the afternoon hours of this Wednesday, “motochorros” were run over by a vehicle after having assaulted a couple of older adults in Iquique, Tarapacá region.

The theft of money from the victims, the escape attempt and the quick action of those who passed through the place, was recorded on security cameras.

According to said material, one of the criminals got off a motorcycle and approached a taxi, assaulting the occupantswhile the other subject waits for him.

After the robbery, the thief gets back up and they both try to run away. Nevertheless, after advancing a few meters, they were hit by another car that ran over them.

millionaire robbery

The Lieutenant Colonel Manuel Guzmanprefect(s) of Iquique, detailed to Once upon a time that the couple had retired “about $4.5 million in cash” and that “later he boards a taxi and moves to the southern sector of the city.”

In addition, he pointed out that the criminals are of Peruvian nationality and have already been identified by the victims, going to detention control.

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