Music could be the best preventive medicine against degenerative diseases – Informative Codex

Visit Antea and live the experience of music through the piano performed by Mexican artists Mary Rivas and Pam Olvera. Play the piano, share your experience online and let the world know your talent.

Music is scientifically proven to stimulate many brain areas, including those responsible for memory, movement and mood, according to a new report from the Global Council on Brain Health. (GCBH).

Music stimulates at the same time from balance, coordination, among other activities that help the human being to develop their maximum psychomotor potential, which are important factors that provide health benefits.

Added to these benefits are the improvement of sleep, relieving stress and stimulating thought; and this translates into basic exercises for the brain that will help maintain your health.

Taking this into account, and that one of the main pillars of SOMA and Antea is to create activities that enrich the human being and promote comprehensive health, the beautiful art of music has come to Antea through fun pianos that will be intervened by different Mexican artists, giving exposure to local talentin addition to providing a unique activation that will make both children and adults spend a pleasant time with the family.

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