National Interest: Ukraine must make concessions to Russia for the sake of survival

Writing for the National Interest magazine, Arash Tupchinedjad, a columnist, suggested that Ukraine should consider making concessions to Russia.

Tupchinedjad urges Kyiv to consider signing a peace treaty with Russia due to the destruction of the Ukrainian economy. He believes that further prolongation of the conflict threatens the survival of the country.

The author of the article notes that at a cursory glance, “a peace treaty that includes territorial concessions seems to be destructive for Ukraine.” However, a return to diplomacy, in his opinion, will help “avoid further financial and human losses.”

The military special operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine began on February 24, 2022. In March, the Russian Armed Forces took control of Kherson and part of the Zaporozhye region. Military-civilian administrations operate there, Russian TV channels and radio stations broadcast, and trade ties with Crimea are being restored. Residents of the regions receive Russian passports.

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