Natural Methods for Healthy Weight Loss: Nine Verified Strategies

2023-11-25 18:35:08

Frequently, the search for a rapid weight loss leads us to immerse ourselves in tempting diets that, in the end, trigger a rebound effect in our body due to food restriction. Additionally, a sedentary lifestyle can also be detrimental to your health.

A similar situation occurs with the supplements that promise rapid weight loss, many of which lack scientific support. However, there are natural methods to lose weight in a healthy way, without compromising physical well-being and supported by the medical community.

The nine ways to lose weight naturally

Medical News Today (MNT) published a report on nine natural ways to lose weight, guaranteeing the person’s physical well-being and without harming their mental health with strict diets or restrictions.

Intermittent fasting is a dietary regimen that combines fasting periods with meal consumption. According to Medical News Today, several studies indicate that performing this short-term method of up to 26 weeks is as effective in losing weight as following a daily low-calorie diet.

One of the most common intermittent fasting methods is fasting every other daywhich consists of alternating fasting days where low-calorie foods are consumed with days of normal eating.

On the other hand, there is the 5:2 diet, which consists of fasting two of the seven days of the week, consuming between 500 and 600 calories; and the 16/8 method, fasting for 16 hours and eating only during an 8-hour period.

2. Monitoring diet and exercise

The medical information website advises that to lose weight, a person must keep a record of the food and drinks you eat each day. It is best to keep a diary of daily consumption or an online food tracker.

Exercise is important for losing weight and increasing motivation.

In addition, combining diet with physical activity also helps to lose weight, promote behavioral changes and increase the individual’s motivation.

Among the hustle and bustle of everyday life, many people do not have time to sit down to eat properly, and they snack on food throughout the day. Consequently, they are not aware of their diet.

MNT advises mindful eating, where individuals pay attention to how and where they eat food. This way you not only lose weight, you also enjoy your meals more.

Some of the techniques they suggest are: Sit down to eat on a table, avoid distractions like television or cell phone, Eat slow and choose food with considerationthose that are nutritious and satiating for hours.

4. Consume protein with meals

“Protein can regulate appetite hormones to help people feel satisfied. This is mainly due to a decrease in the hunger hormone, ghrelin, and an increase in the peptide YY, GLP-1 and cholecystokinin, hormones of satiety,” they go into depth in their article.

In young adults, a protein-rich breakfast can last for several hours. Some options to add to this early meal are eggs, oats, sardines, and nut and seed butters.

5. Reduce consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates

Nowadays, more and more foods and drinks are rich in added sugars. The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies its consumption as the main cause of obesity.

The same thing happens with refined carbohydrates. Foods such as white rice, plain pasta, and white bread are digested quickly and They are converted into glucose. Excess blood sugar triggers the hormone insulin, which promotes fat storage in adipose tissue and contributes to weight gain.

The ideal thing to lose weight would be to change these highly processed and sugary foods for whole grain or nutrient-rich options.

6. Increase fiber consumption

According to MNT, “Dietary fiber describes carbohydrates of plant origin that are impossible to digest in the small intestine. Including too much fiber in the diet can increase the feeling of satietywhich could lead to weight loss”:

Fiber in the diet increases the feeling of satiety.

Some foods high in fiber include oats, barley, fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, peas, legumes, and beans.

7. Balance intestinal bacteria

According to research, gut bacteria play an important role in weight control. Each individual has different types and amounts of bacteria in the intestine, some could even cause fat deposits and weight gain, which is why we talk about a balance between them.

Medical News Today recommends some foods that increase good bacteria in the gut:

He consumption of one wide variety of plants: Increasing fruits, vegetables and grains in the diet will increase fiber absorption, leading to a more diverse set of intestinal bacteria. Ideally, the consumption of vegetables and other plants should occupy 75% of the diet. fermented foods: Foods such as kimchi, yogurt, kefir and miso contain potentially probiotic microorganisms, which contribute to weight loss and combat obesity.Prebiotic foods: Foods such as fruits and vegetables, especially artichoke, onion, garlic, asparagus, avocado, among others, stimulate the growth and activity of good bacteria. Cereals such as oats and barley also help.

8. Get a good night’s sleep

“Various research suggests that insufficient sleep slows down metabolisma process where the body converts calories into energy,” MNT develops in the study. When the metabolism does not function correctly, the body can store unused energy in the form of fat.

Sleeping a few hours can also promote insulin resistance y increase cortisol levels. In turn, it affects the regulation of the hormones leptin and ghrelin, which control appetite and give satiety.

9. Manage stress levels

Stress is not good for any aspect of physical and mental well-being, especially when trying to lose weight. According to researchers, implementing an intervention program for stress management, along with a low-calorie diet, significantly reduces BMI in overweight children and adolescents.

Some methods used to control stress are yoga or meditation, breathing and relaxation techniques, and spending time outdoors.

#Natural #MedicalApproved #Ways #Lose #Weight

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