Natural Remedies to Relieve Swollen Feet: Tips and Tricks for Healthy Feet

2023-06-30 09:50:30

Also called peripheral oedema, the phenomenon of swollen feet can have several causes such as a sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy or an unbalanced diet… Although it is often benign, this disease remains painful.

Nevertheless, there are many natural tricks to relieve swollen feet, let’s discover them in our article.

1. Swollen feet: why?

Generally, the feet swell because of a problem of water retention, lack of physical activity, or venous insufficiency in the legs.

With increasing temperature, blood vessels expand to regulate low body temperature. Once dilated, they struggle to bring blood back to the heart. Water gets stuck in swollen feet.

Know that we can see this phenomenon during pregnancy: the baby presses on a vein (vena cava), which causes a small disturbance in blood circulation.

2. Natural remedies to relieve swollen feet

2.1 Foot baths

If your feet are swollen from fatigue, from a long walk…foot baths are ideal to speed up the healing process. In addition, they allow you to relax and reduce inflammation in order to stimulate blood circulation.

To do this, simply pour 100 grams of salt into a basin of hot water, then immerse your feet in it for 20 minutes.

2.2 Apple cider vinegar

Another grandmother’s trick for pretty feet: cider vinegar stimulates blood circulation and relieves the muscles.

So to reduce inflammation and improve blood circulation, add 2 cups of apple cider vinegar to a basin filled with hot water. Then soak your feet in it for 15 minutes.

2.3 Sage

Sage is a natural antiseptic, well known for reducing foot odor and curing fungal infections. It also contains substances with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is therefore an ideal natural treatment to treat swollen feet.

To use, steep a few dried sage leaves in a basin of hot water for 10 minutes. Then, when the water becomes lukewarm, soak your feet in it for 15 minutes.

2.4 Chamomile essential oil

Chamomile flower extract contains antioxidants that help improve blood circulation and relieve inflammation. Apply some essential oil of chamomile flowers on your feet. Then, perform circular movements on the legs and feet. Massage gently, but several minutes on the back of the knee, where there are the lymph nodes.

2.5 Elevate your feet

Lie on your back on a comfortable mattress. Then raise your legs straight up. Then, move your ankles by turning them one way and then the other. This exercise is best practiced in the evening.

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