NEOS is pleased with the electoral success of the pro-European citizens’ coalition in Poland

2023-10-16 11:34:11

Brandstätter: “It is high time that the fifth largest country in the EU no longer makes international headlines by dismantling liberal institutions.”

Vienna (OTS) “The emerging electoral success of the pro-European Polish citizens’ coalition is a clear sign of our common European values,” says NEOS foreign policy spokesman Helmut Brandstätter regarding the forecast election results in Poland. “And it is an important signal to all forces, including here in Austria, that want to weaken the European project from within and thus play into the hands of the enemies of our liberal democracy.”

“It is high time that the fifth largest country in the EU ended its unholy alliance with Orban and no longer made international headlines with the dismantling of liberal institutions,” said Brandstätter, who always condemned the attacks on the Polish constitutional state by the previous ruling party PiS. “The new government’s first task will be to make the judiciary independent once more.”

In view of the election results, Brandstätter is confident that Poland can become a reliable partner once more in the future. “Together with all liberal and progressive forces, we must ensure a Europe that is more capable of acting, making decisions and defending itself – and we hope for the active support of the future Polish government.”

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