New Cognitive Biotype of Depression: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

2023-06-27 18:15:20

There are several subtypes of depression. American researchers have just discovered a new one which could affect around a quarter of patients with major depressive disorders. Characterized by cognitive deficits, it will be necessary to develop new drugs more effective than the current ones to treat it.

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Depression is divided into several subtypes today, and researchers are still discovering new ones. Scientists from Stanford University (United States) have thus just identified a subtype of depression that could affect 27% of patients suffering from major depressive disorders, ie no less than 5.7 million American patients. The results of the study published in JAMA Network Open would help explain why the most common medications for treating depression are not always effective.

A subtype of depression that affects cognition

The new category of depression is called “cognitive biotype” by researchers because it is characterized by cognitive deficits in attention, memory and self-control. Affected patients, for example, have difficulty planning, staying focused despite distractions, and suppressing so-called “inappropriate” behaviors.

For the study, 712 patients with major depressive disorder and no prior treatment were randomly given one (of three) commonly prescribed antidepressants, targeting serotonin. Before treatment began, they were clinically assessed for depression and tested for verbal memory, working memory, decision speed and sustained attention. Eight weeks after the start of treatment, the patients underwent the same evaluations. The researchers found that for the three antidepressants given, the rates of remission – the absence of symptoms of depression – were 38.8% for participants with the new biotype and 47.7% for those who did not. .

Prior to treatment, some 96 participants underwent additional brain imaging tests while performing cognitive tasks of attention and speed. ” The fMRI performed showed that people with the new cognitive biotype had significantly reduced activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and dorsal anterior cingulate regions during the task, compared to the activity levels of participants who did not have the biotype. cognitive write the researchers. Together, these two brain regions are heavily involved in executive functions such as planning, goal achievement, and sustained attention.

No single case of depression

« Depression manifests in different ways in different people, but finding commonalities — like similar patterns of brain function — helps healthcare professionals treat participants effectively by individualizing care. », said Leanne Williams, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences. Indeed, common antidepressants (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) are less effective for patients with cognitive dysfunction, and other more suitable treatments need to be found.

Researchers are now studying another drug, guanfacine, which specifically targets the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex region and may prove more effective for patients with the cognitive subtype.

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