New sanctions framework for alcohol smuggling – What it provides – 2024-03-12 07:35:32

“Lockout” of businesses for up to 30 days as well as publication of the names of violators of the legislation provides for a decision of the Deputy Minister of National Economy and Finance, Mr. Haris Theoharis in relation to the framework of immediate imposition of sanctions in established cases of smuggling of ethyl alcohol (including alcoholics drinks).

In this case, in connection with the general effort of the Government to effectively suppress the smuggling of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic beverages, the following are instituted by the decision of Mr. Theoharis:

1) The conditions, the method, the sealing instruments, as well as the sealing/unsealing procedure of the facilities of the natural or legal person who owns, manufactures, bottles or disposes of ethyl alcohol or alcoholic beverages in violation of the relevant provisions of Greek legislation.

2) How the details of the offenders, the violations that were found, the identifying details of the facilities, as well as the period of time for their sealing will be made public.

More specifically, from now on the sealing of said facilities is established for a period of 10 to 30 days depending on the gravity of the violation. During the sealing, tapes with the A.A.D.E. logo are placed at the main entrance of each facility, as well as stickers with the following indications (in Greek and English): “CLOSED DUE TO SMUGGLING/CLOSED DUE TO AVAILABILITY OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AT RISK TO PUBLIC HEALTH”.

It also provides for the publication of details of offenders, violations and penalties, as well as the manner, time and means of publication in cases of violations of the provisions of the customs legislation on smuggling, as well as of the Union and national provisions applicable in the production sector and trafficking of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic beverages and food.

The publicized details of the offenders, which will be posted on the website of A.A.D.E. and will be kept for one year, are the following: Name of a natural person or name of a legal person, distinctive business title, address of the facility, description of the violation, number and date of issuance of the decision to disclose data and the period of time of sealing.

It is also noted that the possession, manufacture, bottling or disposal of ethyl alcohol or alcoholic beverages from the consumption of which the public health is at immediate risk is established, based on an examination report and a relevant decision of the Supreme Chemical Council.

The decision signed by Deputy Minister Mr. Haris Theocharis, representing the Ministry of National Economy and Finance, was preceded by a recommendation from the head of the Independent Public Revenue Authority (A.A.D.E.), Mr. Giorgos Pitsilis. It is about a set of measures introduced by a Ministerial Decision for immediate implementation. With the aim, on the one hand, of cracking down on the smuggling of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic beverages, combating tax evasion, but also the sanitization of the alcoholic beverages market. On the other hand, publicizing the details of offenders helps to protect public health and consumers.

The Deputy Minister of National Economy and Finance, Mr. Haris Theocharis, underlined the special importance of the above decision by stating that “in our Ministry and more broadly the Government we are convinced that we are moving forward at a crossroads, especially in relation to how control is exercised in the sector production and distribution of ethyl alcohol in our country. With the Ministerial Decision to seal the establishments of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic beverages, etc., and, above all, with the publication of information and the public disclosure of the offenders, we are taking an important step towards cracking down on the illegal possession and trafficking of alcoholic beverages , tackling smuggling and, ultimately, protecting the consumer public and healthy competition in the domestic market. The imposition of order in the specific sector, as well as in the market in general, is a permanent commitment of our Government and is implemented based on our program, with determination”.

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