New study monitors the danger of ‘owl sleep’

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It is known that fitness levels album Physical activity is low, compared to other types of birds, it burns fat less rest and movement.

According to the study published in the journal "Experimental physiology"the owls are more likely to resist InsulinThis means that their muscles require more insulin so they can get the energy they need.

Stephen Malin, associate professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Health at the University of "Rutgers" In New Jersey: "Insulin tells muscles to be a sponge and to absorb glucose into the blood".

He added that if the chronological pattern of sleep affects how our bodies use insulin and affects metabolism, then this means that the owl’s sleep pattern will be useful in predicting your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

The researchers classified 51 adults who do not suffer from heart disease or diabetes, in two lists, the first is the sleep of the owl, that is, the night sleep, and the other in which people sleep the sleep of the day bird, that is, they sleep early.

During the study, participants ate a controlled diet, fasted overnight, and their activity level was monitored for a week.

The researchers determined each participant’s mass, body composition and fitness level, measured levels of insulin sensitivity, and then looked at how the participants obtained energy from fats and carbohydrates.

The results showed that people with early sleep used fat for energy in rest and physical exercise more than people who followed the sleep of an owl, who used carbohydrates as a source of energy.

This means an increased risk of diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

internal body clock

for all human beings internal clock For the body over a 24-hour period, regulating the secretion of the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for sleep And stop producing it until we wake up.

Sunrise and sunset regulate the human sleep-wake cycle, and daylight enters the eyes, reaches the brain and releases a signal that inhibits the production of melatoninOn the contrary, when the sun sets, the body clock works to reproduce melatonin, and after a few hours, the desire to go to sleep begins.

In the sleep pattern of owls, the internal body clock secretes melatonin at a time that makes the early morning slow and pushes the peak of activity and alertness for the afternoon and evening.

Those who are more active at night are exposed to more tobacco and alcohol use, andCaffeineAnd they are more likely to skip BreakfastTherefore, the serious health effects they have are more present.


It is known that fitness levels album Physical activity is low, compared to other types of birds, it burns fat less rest and movement.

According to the study, which was published in the Journal of Experimental Physiology, owls are more susceptible to resistance InsulinThis means that their muscles require more insulin so they can get the energy they need.

“Insulin tells the muscles to be a sponge and to absorb glucose into the blood,” said Stephen Malin, assistant professor in the department of kinesiology and health at Rutgers University in New Jersey.

He added that if the chronological pattern of sleep affects how our bodies use insulin and affects metabolism, then this means that the owl’s sleep pattern will be useful in predicting your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

The researchers classified 51 adults who do not suffer from heart disease or diabetes, in two lists, the first is the sleep of the owl, that is, the night sleep, and the other in which people sleep the sleep of the day bird, that is, they sleep early.

During the study, participants ate a controlled diet, fasted overnight, and their activity level was monitored for a week.

The researchers determined each participant’s mass, body composition and fitness level, measured levels of insulin sensitivity, and then looked at how the participants obtained energy from fats and carbohydrates.

The results showed that people with early sleep used fat for energy in rest and physical exercise more than people who followed the sleep of an owl, who used carbohydrates as a source of energy.

This means an increased risk of diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

internal body clock

for all human beings internal clock For the body over a 24-hour period, regulating the secretion of the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for sleep And stop producing it until we wake up.

Sunrise and sunset regulate the human sleep-wake cycle, and daylight enters the eyes, reaches the brain and releases a signal that inhibits the production of melatoninOn the contrary, when the sun sets, the body clock works to reproduce melatonin, and after a few hours, the desire to go to sleep begins.

In the sleep pattern of owls, the internal body clock secretes melatonin at a time that makes the early morning slow and pushes the peak of activity and alertness for the afternoon and evening.

Those who are more active at night are exposed to more tobacco and alcohol use, andCaffeineAnd they are more likely to skip BreakfastTherefore, the serious health effects they have are more present.

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