News 24 | Are there differences between brown and white sugar, and which one is healthier?… Gulf Health Answers

The Gulf Health Council clarified the fact that there are differences between brown and white sugar, and which is the healthiest and best to use when needed.

The council indicated that the scientific fact confirms that there are no significant health differences between the two types of sugar, and that a tablespoon of brown sugar contains 15 calories, while a tablespoon of white sugar contains 16 calories.

He added that brown sugar contains molasses; Therefore, it is brown in color, but white does not contain it, and brown sugar is sweeter than white sugar.

He pointed out that the two types are similar in the risks that lead to many diseases; Including: obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

The council recently reported that sugar has many names; But its harm is the same, and that the upper limit of sugar for children is 24 grams for ages between 7-10 years, and 19 grams between 4-6 years, and avoid eating it for ages less than 4 years.

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