Nigerian who wished to kill Individuals in Libreville in 2017 sentenced to life imprisonment –

Arouna Adamou, the Niger nationwide who violently stabbed two Danish journalists on December 15, 2017, believing they had been attacking Individuals whom he wished to kill within the artisanal village of Libreville, was sentenced Wednesday to a life jail sentence.

The Nigerian nationwide had brutally stabbed a number of instances on the pinnacle, thorax and chest of the Danish journalist who was talking English within the memento market together with his colleague. Whereas attempting to intervene, the journalist was additionally stabbed.

Through the assault, Arouna Adamou shouted “Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar!” Managed by merchants from the memento market, the follower of Islam reaffirmed that he had dedicated this assault alone, with out an confederate. He neither listened to anybody’s command nor responded to a name.

Arouna Adamou insisted earlier than the decide that he attacked these Danish journalists in actuality as a result of he wished to kill a white individual, ideally an American in retaliation for Donald Trump’s (former US president on the time) recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel. Having discovered that his two victims are Danish journalists, Arouna Adamou declared that Westerners had been additionally complicit with Donald Trump.

He was being prosecuted for tried homicide. The courtroom sentenced him to life imprisonment in the course of the atypical legal listening to that opened this Wednesday.

Me Annick Mba Mve, lawyer for the defendant, declared herself disenchanted after the sentence. She thought-about that the decide didn’t consider the character “ psychiatric » of her shopper who was struggling, in accordance with the Gabonese lawyer, from psychological issues. “ He had short-term insanity “, defended the lawyer.

« He lived alone, he had no buddies, he had no ties, he lived in households in a mosque… he was simply buddies together with his tv and sooner or later he noticed a choice that Donald had made Trump. He stated to himself that he doesn’t agree and he got here to Libreville to harm the Individuals », declared Me Mba Mve.

Earlier than his crime, Arouna Adamou lived in Booué, a small city in Ogooué Ivindo served by the practice. He promised to attraction his judgment.

Carl Nsitou

2024-05-22 22:42:28
#Nigerian #wished #kill #Individuals #Libreville #sentenced #life #imprisonment

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