“No to the right, yes to the rights,” was the chant that echoed in the streets

2023-12-16 22:21:00

“No to the right, yes to rights,” was the chant of hundreds of people who participated this Saturday the eighth LGTBIQ+ Pride March in Roca. The mobilization has already been carried out in different parts of the country.

From the Association of Trans and Sex Workers (ATTS), they announced that the activities would take place this afternoon, after The march was suspended weeks ago due to bad weather. The rally began at 5 p.m.

The sky was completely cloudy but it did not discourage those who participated in the call. The column stretched for a block and was headed by Georgina Colicheo, leader of the ATTS.

“Step step step, the trolazos arrived,” was another of the slogans they sang. The request for Tehuel’s appearance was also present.

A block of people participated in the mobilization. Photo Benjamín Ríos

The column, which was very colorful, was made up of militants from the Left Front, as well as teenagers and adults.

Andi Gómez, a member of ATTS, spoke about it and explained that the march began, in principle, due to the persecution that the LGBTIQ community was experiencing. «It was always a symbol of freedom in terms of expressions that did not fit into hetero-normative boxes.«, he indicated.

«Although many people may consider this march an unnecessary act, it precisely seeks make visible those cultural regulations promoted by the cis-hetero-patriarchal system in a society that tends to become uncomfortable with the presence of dissident corporalities,” he noted.

Andi also highlighted that it is the first march to take place in Roca after the inauguration of President Milei, who “ignored them.” «We are part of Argentina. That’s why today we say rights yes, right no: pride and democracy..

“In a few days the Gender and Diversity area was dissolved, they seek to question the employment of colleagues who have been able to access a workplace,” he said and added “we continue to ask ourselves, where is Tehuel?” We demand that the transvestite/trans labor quota be met, Comprehensive Sexual Education (ESI) with a gender perspective and recognition of sexual work autonomous in people of legal age to escape from precariousness.

What will the march be like?

The rally will begin on Avenida Roca and Miter. From there they will travel to Neuquén Street, turn onto Tucumán Street until they reach the Avenue again, descending to the Manzana monument, skirting the roundabout on Hipólito Yrigoyen, until they reach the Municipal Amphitheater called “2 de Abril”.


17: Concentration in Plaza San Martín

18: March

19: Feria

7:30 p.m.: Recreational condom distribution event

20.30: Draws

21: HIV testing

21: Reading poems, stories and writings

9:30 p.m.: Lexy, Butterfly Effect (dance group)

22: “Heels in the Corner” Screening

10:30 PM: Show the Panika

10:45 p.m.: Award ceremony

23: Reading documents

#rights #chant #echoed #streets

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