Matzen goes to the national committee

2023-12-17 15:34:32 The Convention of the Radical Civic Union of Río Negro met yesterday in Valcheta to renew authorities and determined that the leader of Roca Roberto Ferrero will preside over the new stage of the provincial committee Mayor Yamila Direne, who the previous week assumed her second term as head of the Southern Line … Read more

The suspect was acquitted three days earlier because he was unindictable

2023-12-17 08:05:00 The young man suspected of having been the author of the murder of Silvia Martin, which occurred on December 7 near the Costanera de Bariloche, had been dismissed three days earlier by Judge Víctor Hugo Gangarrosa because he was declared unimpeachable. The measure was issued at the request of the deputy prosecutor María … Read more

“No to the right, yes to the rights,” was the chant that echoed in the streets

2023-12-16 22:21:00 “No to the right, yes to rights,” was the chant of hundreds of people who participated this Saturday the eighth LGTBIQ+ Pride March in Roca. The mobilization has already been carried out in different parts of the country. From the Association of Trans and Sex Workers (ATTS), they announced that the activities would … Read more

a wild woman’s lonely christmas

2023-12-15 12:31:14 A alone woman, locked in her apartment, on Christmas Eve, goes wild. Because? The dramaturgy of Gonzalo San Millán, the direction of Nicolás Caminti and above all, the performance of Ana Muzzin, They will give an answer. Or maybe more. Or nothing.“The Hunt for the Wild Woman” is the new proposal from the … Read more

How much did meat rise and what is expected for this Friday in Río Negro and Neuquén

2023-12-15 03:35:00 The increases in meat prices have not stopped yet and values ​​continue to increase in the region’s butcher shops. This newspaper carried out a detailed survey and the kilo of roast already exceeds $9,000 in several businesses in Neuquén, Cipolletti and Roca. The devaluation of the official dollar to $800, the removal of … Read more

Unter demanded the opening of joint ventures in the first meeting with the new Minister of Education

2023-12-13 16:49:48 The Unter claimed “the urgent call for joint negotiations” within the framework of the first formal meeting with the new Minister of Education and Human Rights of the province of Río Negro. Patricia Campos, the new person in charge of the educational portfolio, received the leadership of the teaching union headed by the … Read more

Alberto Weretilneck thinks changes for Altec

2023-12-13 14:45:24 Governor Alberto Weretilneck The leadership of the state technology company Altec remains vacant, that in the new organizational chart he returned to the orbit of the Government, under the command of Federico Lutz, following a brief stint at the Ministry of Economy, in the last stretch of Arabela Carreras’ management. Altec is dedicated … Read more

They rejected the project and there will be no separation

2023-12-07 11:10:13 The Superior Council of the National University of Comahue (UNCo) rejected – by majority – the proposal to split the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences (FaDeCS) into two separate academic units: Faculty of Law and Faculty of Social Sciences. The initiative, led by directors of Fadecs, It did not obtain enough votes … Read more