On BeReal, it is now possible to chat in private groups

2023-12-13 10:33:48

The social network has announced two major new features, which will be available by the end of the year.

As Christmas approaches, BeReal announced the deployment of four features, including two major new features: “RealGroups” and “Behind The Scenes”. The first will allow users to share BeReal with a smaller group of friends and send them direct messages. While until now, the application invited its users to take a photo at a random time of the day, the group administrator will be able to trigger the notification at the time of their choice. BeReal specifies that they will only be able to create two groups of this type. This feature will be available by the end of the year on iPhone and the smartphones Android.

The second major new feature is an optional feature. Once enabled, it captures the seconds before a BeReal is taken, creating a video that friends can see by long-pressing it when it appears in their feed. Available from next week, this is one of the features most requested by users, indicates the application in a blog post.

An application that is enriched

In addition to these new features, the social network will allow users to tag their friends in their BeReal and republish the content in which they are tagged. With the end of the year approaching, they will also soon be able to share a recap of 2023.

BeReal thus continues to enrich its application. Claiming 25 million daily active users, the social network has deployed several new features on its platform in recent months, allowing for example users to exchange messages or post additional BeReals during the day and at the time of their choice.

#BeReal #chat #private #groups

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