On Snapchat, fake sick leave available for 30 euros

Ads that offer fake sick leave have become legion on the social network. Real doctors are the first victims.

And Snapchat less talked about for a few months and all the more since the advent of TikTok, the social network is nonetheless very popular. And today, the social network is talking about it following a vast traffic of sick leave put up for sale on the platform which complicates the daily lives of many doctors.

Disconcerting simplicity

These are our colleagues from France Info who carried out the investigation into this trend which poses many problems for the CPAM and doctors. Just type “sick leave” in the search bar of Snapchat to come across a host of accounts offering network users the opportunity to obtain the stop in question.

Against an average sum of 30 euros, all you have to do is send your social Security as well as the duration of the desired stop and its address for a few minutes later, to receive the document signed by the hand of a doctor.

False judgments, but real doctors

The problem is that the doctor in question is not aware and that the scammers sign the judgment in his name thanks to a montage. Counterfeiters use a stamp, most of the time scanned, to produce the false document.

Contacted by our colleagues, one of the doctors who were victims of this fraud indicated that he was receiving more and more reports of false judgments using his name. Many “patients” who have never set foot in his office come to ask him to account.

Identity theft

The case can go very far, because some doctors whose identity has been usurped have received calls from the Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Illness asking them to account for judgments with sometimes ridiculous reasons. If the CPAM, which estimates the cost of the fraud at 3.4 million euros to falsified judgments in 2021, asks doctors to file a complaint, that is not enough to stem the phenomenon.

Remember that providing a falsified sick leave to the CPAM can lead to a suspension of daily allowances, reimbursement of sums unfairly received, a warning, a financial penalty and even a criminal sanction.

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