Optimizing Vitamin B Complex Supplementation: How to Absorb and Utilize B Vitamins for Optimal Brain Health, Cognitive Function, and Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease

2023-10-20 02:51:19

Studies have confirmed that vitamin B complex supplementation can effectively reduce brain gray matter atrophy, slow down cognitive decline, and prevent Alzheimer’s disease. How to supplement B complex for easier absorption? (LumenSt/Shutterstock)

Studies have confirmed that vitamin B complex supplementation can effectively reduce brain gray matter atrophy, slow down cognitive decline, and prevent Alzheimer’s disease. But when to eat group B and what to eat with it is more effective? Who is not suitable for taking supplements?

The following is an interview by Ouya Ou, CEO and physician of Taiwan’s Hanshi Integrated Functional Medicine Center, in an interview with The Epoch Times’ “Health 1+1” program. He explains the effects of different B vitamins, how to obtain them from natural foods, and how to supplement them correctly. Group B can perform better.

Vitamin B complex includes vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12. They have different functions. Some of them can maintain physical strength, stabilize nerves, reduce pain, and are also beneficial to hematopoietic function.

Vitamin B1, also called thiamine, its main function is to assist the body’s energy metabolism. For example, the starch, fat and protein eaten need vitamin B1 to help convert them into energy. You can get vitamin B1 from brown rice, pork, beans, and nuts on weekdays.

Vitamin B2,Also called riboflavin, it can help mitochondria produce more energy, prevent ulcers at the corners of the mouth, help resist oxidation in the eyes, increase vision clarity, and help the skin become smooth and delicate. Vitamin B2 can be obtained from milk, meat, fish, brown rice and nuts.

Vitamin B3,Also known as niacin or nicotinic acid, it can increase high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (good cholesterol), which is beneficial to cardiovascular health. In addition, it can also derive NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide), which has anti-aging effects. Vitamin B3 is mostly found in meat, fish, grains and nuts.

Vitamin B5, commonly known as pantothenic acid, is involved in making and breaking down fat. Vitamin B5 can generally be obtained from meat, whole grains, vegetables and dairy products.

Ou Hanwen said that vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B5 can all help the body produce energy. If you want to boost your spirit, you need to supplement these four nutrients.

Vitamin B6, also called pyridoxine, is related to nerve function and mood, and can prevent nerve inflammation, especially inflammation of the brain. When vitamin B6 is insufficient, it may cause chronic inflammation of the brain, which may be closely related to Alzheimer’s disease, depression, ADHD, and autism. Vitamin B6 can be found in meats, vegetables, nuts and whole grains.

Vitamin B complex includes vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12, and they have different functions. (Health 1+1/The Epoch Times)

A study published in the journal Nutritional NeuroscienceThe study found, supplementing mice with vitamin B6 showed antidepressant effects and could prevent dexamethasone-induced depression. Researchers believe that vitamin B6 may change glucocorticoid receptor function, so vitamin B6 may be helpful for mental adverse reactions caused by glucocorticoids, and may control stress and prevent mood disorders in patients.

Vitamin B7, also known as biotin, helps the metabolism of fat and sugar, and is also an important element for the health of skin, hair, and nails. People who have hair loss problems can supplement more vitamin B7. Foods rich in vitamin B7 include eggs, meat, nuts and soybeans.

Vitamin B9(Folic acid) and vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), have the effect of stabilizing the nervous system. Ou Hanwen said that long-term nerve pain, chronic headaches or muscle pain may be caused by a lack of vitamins B9 and B12. In addition, some patients with anemia may also need to supplement these two elements.

Vitamin B9 also plays a very important role in the development of the fetal neural tube, so it is a nutrient that pregnant women must supplement. Vitamin B9 is mostly found in dark green vegetables, beans, nuts and orange juice.

Vitamin B12Can be obtained from meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. People who have been vegetarians for a long time are prone to lack of vitamin B12, which may cause nerve pain, or affect the production of red blood cells and cause anemia. Vegetarians can regularly check whether the vitamin B12 in their body is sufficient, and if it is insufficient, they can take some vitamin B12 supplements.

2. Vitamin B complex can prevent Alzheimer’s disease

Vitamins B6, B9, and B12 are involved in the body’s methylation cycle. A lack of these three nutrients will affect neural connections and brain circulation, reduce cognitive function, and may cause permanent damage.

Alzheimer’s disease may be related to degeneration caused by brain inflammation. Vitamin B12 is a good antioxidant that can fight brain inflammation and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

In addition, vitamins B9 and B12 can reduce homocysteine ​​in the body. Homocysteine ​​can damage blood vessel walls and may increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as stroke. In addition, if blood vessels are blocked and cause brain damage, it may lead to vascular dementia, so vitamins B9 and B12 can also prevent this type of dementia.

A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)randomized controlled trialIt has been shown that B vitamin supplementation can slow the shrinkage of specific brain regions that are associated with cognitive decline and are a key part of the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

3. B complex is better absorbed when combined with iron.

Some vitamins and minerals have a synergistic effect when taken together and can help the body absorb them. For example, both vitamin B12 and iron require gastric acid to help absorb, so it is recommended to take these two supplements at the same time, which may increase gastric acid and make vitamin B12 and iron better absorbed. In addition, vitamins B9 and B12 help produce red blood cells, so it is recommended that they be taken together.

Since vitamin B complex is mostly water-soluble vitamins, Ou Hanwen reminds you not to drink a lot of water when taking vitamin B complex, so as not to cause them to be excreted from the body too quickly.

4. Complex B is best taken with meals during the day

Vitamins B1, B2, B3, and B5 will participate in the body’s energy metabolism, increase the energy in the body, and make people feel less fatigued. Therefore, taking them at night will make you feel more energetic and affect your sleep. Therefore, for B-complex supplements that focus on improving fatigue, Dr. Ou Hanwen recommends not taking them at night, and it is best to take them during the day.

However, some people tend to feel sleepy after taking vitamin B complex. Vitamins B6 and B12 have a calming effect on the nervous system and can make people feel happy, making it easy to fall asleep. Therefore, it is recommended to take these two supplements before going to bed.

In addition, body aches and pains can also be relieved by supplementing vitamin B complex. Ou Hanwen said that when vitamins B1, B2, B3, and B5 that help the body metabolize are insufficient, it will easily lead to the accumulation of lactic acid, thus causing muscle soreness. In addition, insufficient vitamins B6 and B12 can also cause nerve pain, which may make people feel My whole body feels uncomfortable. In this case, the doctor will ask the patient to take vitamin B complex. If the situation is more serious, the patient will be directly injected with vitamin B complex, which can usually improve the patient’s condition.

Vitamin B complex is actually quite irritating to the gastrointestinal mucosa. For example, some people skip breakfast and take a little vitamin B complex to boost their spirits during the day. As a result, they suffer from unbearable stomach pain at noon. It is recommended to take vitamin B complex with meals, such as taking it with breakfast, to protect the gastric mucosa.

5. The three groups need to supplement group B

Ou Hanwen recommends that the most suitable people to supplement vitamin B complex include the following three groups:

1. Pregnant women:The first three months of pregnancy is the period of fetal neural tube development, and pregnant women are recommended to supplement vitamin B9 during this time.

2. Breastfeeding women:Vitamin B9 is also important for lactation.

3. VegetariansThe body may not have enough vitamin B12 and needs to be supplemented with vitamin B complex.

Foods containing B9 and B12. (Health 1+1/The Epoch Times)

6. Who cannot supplement group B?

Ou Hanwen reminded that since most of the vitamin B complex are water-soluble nutrients and are easily excreted in the urine, some product manufacturers will change the vitamin B complex to fat-soluble, so that the body needs more time to absorb and metabolize. To prolong the effectiveness of the product, if you accidentally take them in the amount or frequency of ordinary B vitamins, it may cause an overdose problem.

In addition, vitamin B complex needs to be excreted by the liver or kidneys. People with liver or kidney damage, or high liver or kidney function index are not suitable for supplementing too much vitamin B complex. It is best to obtain it from natural food sources. .

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Editors: Wu Michen, Li Fan

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