Optimum oral hygiene and its impact on our health and well-being | Present

Today it is widely known that oral health is related to general health and, at the same time, has a lot to do with people’s well-being. The teeth and the other parts of the mouth are very important not only to be able to eat well, but also to be able to communicate with others through words.

The role they play in the aesthetics of the face is also fundamental. This is why the general health, quality of life, and self-esteem of human beings have to do with having healthy teeth and a healthy mouth.

We are living in a time when health is more valued and everything we do to preserve it is worth doing. For this reason, personal hygiene measures, adequate nutrition, and in general self-care with a healthy lifestyle are a fundamental part of people’s daily routine.

Precisely, in the case of the care of the teeth and the mouth, this has a direct influence, since the two most frequent diseases, caries and inflammation of the gums, lead to the loss of these pieces and the consequences have repercussions on health. general physical and emotional well-being.

Why is this proactive oral health care so important?

Because these two diseases of the mouth can be prevented with daily oral hygiene routines, which include the use of high-quality products to effectively control the main cause of tooth decay and inflammation of the gums, which is what is known as bacterial plaque. .

What is bacterial plaque?

Plaque is a transparent, sticky film that forms on the teeth. If it is not removed by brushing and flossing, it becomes thicker and yellower and can harden, which is known as tartar or dental calculus. This plaque is made up of bacteria that organize, grow and multiply to cause tooth decay and inflammation of the gums.

What is the dental caries?

Caries is the destruction of tooth tissues due to the loss of minerals (decalcification), caused by the acids produced by the bacteria in bacterial plaque. Other factors play a role, such as inadequate nutrition with junk food or sugary drinks that, ingested frequently, favor the conditions for caries, especially in children and adolescents.

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