Pageant environment at museum night time. Pleasure, oysters and music in Russian

On Could 18, Latvia hosted the worldwide European “Evening of Museums” for the twentieth time. Since 2005, the occasion has been held each spring in lots of European nations. The initiator and coordinator of the motion is the French Ministry of Tradition and Communications, based on the organizers of the motion. This yr this system was diverse: greater than 200 sights opened their doorways to guests.

The occasion historically came about from 19:00 on Saturday, Could 18, till the early hours of Sunday. Entrance to museums through the occasion is free. The “Evening of Museums” occasion in Latvia is coordinated by the Ministry of Tradition in cooperation with the affiliation “Latvian Nationwide Committee of the Worldwide Council of Museums”.

Evening guests to Riga museums might see the Riga Citadel, the Latvian Museum of Nature, go to the Riga Cathedral, the Riga Historical past and Transport Museum, the Riga Inventory Change and different websites.

In opposition to this background, town hosted numerous leisure venues for kids and adults. On this present day, town hosted a standard oyster competition, hockey was watched on Dome Sq., and, for instance, in Ziedondarz, varied dance and singing teams carried out on stage. There was additionally music in Russian.

#Pageant #environment #museum #night time #Pleasure #oysters #music #Russian
2024-05-22 18:07:28

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