Paris prosecutor: Mali-born attacker particularly focused the French

Statements and data on his cellphone from the suspect, who attacked individuals with a knife and a hammer, would point out that he “focused French individuals as a result of they belong to the French nation,” prosecutor Laure Beccuau stated in an announcement.

French counter-terrorism prosecutors haven’t but develop into concerned within the investigation.

Prosecutors are treating the case as tried homicide as a result of they believe the person selected his targets due to their “race, ethnicity, nation or faith,” Beccau stated, including that it might be punishable by life in jail.

After the psychiatric examination, it was not established that his felony accountability was diminished, the prosecutor stated.

Prosecutors stated the suspect was scheduled to seem earlier than a pretrial choose on Tuesday to face prices of tried homicide.

A 32-year-old man attacked individuals within the early hours of Saturday morning on the station, which serves native trains in addition to trains to Switzerland and Italy.

In accordance with the prosecutor’s workplace, the situation of one of many victims, a 66-year-old man, remains to be crucial. The suspect stabbed him within the abdomen and hit him twice within the head with a hammer.

Two different individuals have been additionally injured within the intervention, one in every of whom was 57 years outdated and the opposite in his thirties.

Officers stated two different individuals have been injured, a younger lady whose purse was set on fireplace by the assailant and a safety guard who additionally intervened.

The suspect has been legally residing in Italy since 2016, and on February 1 he legally arrived in France, the prosecutor stated.

In accordance with Italian investigators, till 2021 the suspect was residing in a middle run by a Catholic affiliation in Montalto Dora, northeast of Turin.

The person was being monitored for psychological problems however had no earlier historical past of violence, investigators informed AFP information company.

Officers stated {that a} TikTok account was opened within the identify of the attacker. In a video dated December 2, 2023 – virtually precisely three months earlier than the assault – the account writer wrote: “RIP (relaxation in peace) after three months. Might Allah settle for me into his paradise.”

In different movies, the writer expressed hostility in the direction of France, referring to the French navy operation towards jihadists in Mali that resulted in 2022.

#Paris #prosecutor #Maliborn #attacker #particularly #focused #French
2024-05-21 12:34:25

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