Pedro Sanchez pleads for support for Morocco, which suffers the consequences of illegal immigration

Lorocco, as a country of transit, suffers from the problem of illegal migration, and we must help it manage the human trafficking mafias and control migration flows,” said Mr. Sanchez, who was the guest of the program ”Hoy por Hoy” of the radio “Cadena Ser”.

Noting that “the main responsible for what happened in Nador are the human trafficking mafias, who carried out a violent attack, as shown by the images circulating on the web and social networks”, the Head of the Spanish Executive deplored the deaths that occurred during this attack and expressed his solidarity with their families.

”We must put ourselves in the place of the Spanish security forces (…) and the Moroccan public forces”, which suffered serious damage as a result of this violent attack, he underlined.

Sanchez recalled that in the past 12 months, “at least eight violent attacks have been orchestrated by mafias at the metal fence in Nador, with people armed, using hooks, sticks, knives and axes”.

”The drama of illegal immigration is complex, and we cannot consider it from a single point of view. The phenomenon must be analyzed with a global and cross-cutting approach”, indicated the President of the Spanish Government, adding that ”Spain and the EU are called upon to increase development aid to countries of origin and transit who suffer from this phenomenon.

And to continue that ”we must work with the countries of origin and those of transit, in this case Morocco, to provide a global response to a phenomenon as complex as irregular immigration”.

Illegal migrants from sub-Saharan African countries led an attempted group assault on Friday morning against the metal fence in the province of Nador, using very violent methods and causing a huge jostling and fatal falls. from the top of the fence.

The latest assessment reported 23 deaths among illegal Sub-Saharans.

This forced passage attempt, where 140 members of the police force were injured to varying degrees, was marked by the use of unprecedented violence by the candidates for irregular immigration against the members of the police. , who acted with professionalism and in compliance with laws and regulations.

Armed with stones, truncheons and sharp objects, these candidates for illegal immigration put up violent resistance to the police, mobilized to prevent them from crossing the fence.

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