Performance “Kim Juri” in Kaunas: psychological detective with music by Andrias Mamontov | Culture

The author’s connection with Lithuania

This work by the Korean author can be called a detective on the nature of consciousness, depicting a strange world where illusions intertwine with reality. It is an opportunity to look at the relationship between the world and human consciousness in a different way, without prioritizing either reality or imagination.

Hailji (Hailji, real name – Rim Jong Joo) is one of the most interesting contemporary South Korean writers, who has a special connection with Lithuania. He visited our country more than once, wrote the novel “Republic of Užupis”, which was well received by readers.

Films and performances have been made based on his novels, and the novel “Perodymai” is the writer’s second book published in Lithuanian (2016).

Photo by Justė Gadliauskaitė/Actor Povilas Budrys in the play “Kim Juri”

A psychological detective with an oriental flavor

Povilas Budrys, who directed the play “Kim Juri” and acted in it, stands out in the Lithuanian theater with his unique acting style. Since the beginning of his career in the 1980s, the roles created by him have attracted attention not only in reviews of performances, but have shaped certain concepts and decisions of directorial works.

The most striking examples are the productions of directors Jonas Vaitkaus and Eimuntas Nekrošius, in which P.Budrys played. “God’s anointed” – this is how theater critics sometimes describe the characters created by this unique actor.

After Lithuania regained its independence, the first examples of mono performances – “Closer than Far” (1992) and “Lazarus Giedojimai” (1993) are also associated with P.Budrius. Therefore, his journey to the latest solo role in the performance “Kim Juri” is natural, expected and once again proves the uniqueness of this actor. Although it is not theatrical dramaturgical material, the actor’s interpretation becomes an interesting session in which we immerse ourselves and participate as if in a real psychological study.

Photo by Justė Gadliauskaitė/Actor Povilas Budrys in the performance

Photo by Justė Gadliauskaitė/Actor Povilas Budrys in the performance “Kim Juri”

“Reading Hailji’s book “Exhibitions” a few years ago, I was moved, I felt a certain longing for the things he writes about. There was a feeling that it was not alien, but touching your insides. It was a sign that I correctly chose this material for its further stage analysis”, revealed P. Budrys.

According to the creator of the performance, the author himself left a very warm impression, telling very openly about the vicissitudes of writing this work.

“When he reached a certain impasse in his life, he chose a monastery: he closed himself in it, drank a lot, smoked… Yes, we were surprised: how could this be? In a monastery? But he explained that the monastery is your choice, your karma. You can do whatever you want with your life there,” said the director and actor, adding that as soon as he read the work, he felt that it was a lively, intriguing thing.

This is a psychological detective. Seeing all this on stage, the audience will be able to feel like interrogators, psychologists, doctors, doubters, court jurors… The choice of each viewer is possible.

Photo by Justė Gadliauskaitė/Actor Povilas Budrys in the performance

Photo by Justė Gadliauskaitė/Actor Povilas Budrys in the performance “Kim Juri”

The creators of the show are famous artists of the country

Friends of Povila Budris also contributed to the creative performance of “Kim Juri” – composer and performer Andrius Mamontovas, who composed the music for the play, and Lithuanian interdisciplinary art creator, painter Dainius Liškevičius, who created the scenography. The lights were created by Audrius Jankauskas, and the music is performed by the actor Gediminas Sederevičius who appears on stage together with Mr. Budrius.

“These are the people I interact with. We are all equal, speaking our opinion openly. With Andrii Mamontov, the composer of this performance, we have acted together a lot, traveled around the world a lot, traveled… After a certain break, I just met him on the street, when I had already done the first version of the performance. We talked, I showed the recording of the performance, Mamontovs “caught” the work, he found it interesting, and we very quickly started to cooperate”, said P. Budrys about the creative process and cooperation with one of the creators.

Photo by Justė Gadliauskaitė/Actor Povilas Budrys in the play

Photo by Justė Gadliauskaitė/Actor Povilas Budrys in the play “Kim Juri”

The producer of the show is MB Monelės, the partner is Meno fortas. Performance “Kim Juri” on April 18. 6 p.m. will be shown in the Kaunas City Chamber Theatre.

#Performance #Kim #Juri #Kaunas #psychological #detective #music #Andrias #Mamontov #Culture
2024-04-16 15:34:54

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