Péter Magyar – “We want our homeland back” – 2024-04-07 15:35:51

Anti-Regierungsdemo von Péter Magyar (TMK)

On Saturday afternoon, Péter Magyar gave a resounding response to the intense government propaganda directed against him: According to the organizer, the system critic’s third major demonstration brought together “several hundred thousand dissatisfied Hungarians”. Even if this number is greatly exaggerated, it was definitely more than in his previous two demos.

In the early afternoon, supporters of Péter Magyar’s “Stand up, Hungary!” (TMK) movement gathered on Deák tér in the center of downtown Pest to march in front of Parliament. There the crowds filled Kossuth tér and the adjacent streets. “Everyone has to do their part for change,” Magyar shouted to the people at the subsequent large rally in front of the parliament building.

Status quo shaken

Those in power are afraid of the new movement that… above Concrete in for decades politicallyen shake the status quo. Every denigration by opponents strengthens his camp, he said combative. For the victims of the pedophile home director in Bicske Government pay out the same amount as compensation as the Rogán propaganda billion consumes.

Péter Magyar at the head of the demonstration through downtown Pest. Photo: MTI/ Zoltán Balogh

“Like the Turkish occupation and communist oppression once did become We Hungarians also have this System Shake it off!” His movement had set out to end the division of the country abovewind. The country must be won back “brick by brick” by Fidesz becometo create a new, sovereign, modern and Europeanto build Hungary “for one secure and livable future for our children and grandchildren.”

Péter Magyar: “Gyurcsány Garant des Orbán-Systems”

Den Ex-Prime MinisterHe described Ferenc Gyurcsány, current DK chairman, as the “supporter and guarantor” of the Orbán system. “For twenty YearViktor Orbán and Ferenc Gyurcsány live apart from each other, so let’s start one new era!” Orbán always just wants against Gyurcsány, because he knows how to defeat him. But the differences between town and country, between left and right, are being artificially sown; it is time to unite the nation.

Péter Hungarian
Crowds of people in the square in front of the parliament building and far into the surrounding streets. Photo: Screenshot/ TMK

Regarding the allegations of rgovernmentThe former head of the Central Office for Student Loans (DHK) remarked that he was only after money and power when the media was close to him: “It would have been easier for me to stay where I am. There, where power and money seem endless.” The Fidesz propagandists should do better not from themselves to others, “because we want much more, we want our homeland back,” explained Magyar.

continuation am Mother’s Day

Magyar promised his supporters that he would run for the European elections. He asked for applications for the state list. June 9th become the first nail in the coffin Orbán-Systems. Die next Anti-GovernmentHe announced sdemo for Sunday, May 5th, when Mother’s Day is celebrated in Hungary.

#Péter #Magyar #homeland

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