Plank: how long does it take to get abs?

2023-09-15 09:41:37

The plank is one of the most effective core exercises for work the abs, but also the whole body. This seemingly easy static position is actually an exercise in reinforcement particularly effective which uses the rectus abdominis, the obliques and the transverse, which allows to obtain a flat belly by working the deep muscles. Beginners and experts alike, the board is very effective for sculpting the body. Provided it is done well and at the right tempo… Our advice for making the most of the benefits of this bodybuilding exercise!

What is the plank exercise?

This static exercise, popular with fit girls as much as by bodybuilding or Pilates enthusiasts, is rather complete. It allows you to work your abs but also your back… and is accessible to as many people as possible. Enough to strengthen its popularity and convince us to get started! To hope to see a change, we advise you to devote at least 3 minutes per day to the place and to chain the following 3 postures.

The classic plank strengthens and sculpts the abs

The correct position: facing the ground, rest on the tips of the feet and on the forearms bent at a right angle, elbows under the shoulders and neck in line with the spine. We look towards the ground to avoid neck pain. We tighten the abs and glutes while keeping the back straight, and we pull in the stomach when exhaling to target the deep abdominals. For the exercise to be effective, the key is to breathe well, fluidly, and, above all, to master the position.

This position allows you to strengthen your abs, thighs and glutes at the same time. Also interesting for those who suffer from back pain and need to strengthen their abdominal muscles.

It s too difficult ? When you’re starting out, you can get on your knees (rather than on your tiptoes) to make the exercise easier!

The reverse plank also tones the legs and arms

Sitting, legs straight, stomach and buttocks tight, place your hands on each side of your buttocks. By stretching your arms, you push your body upwards, pelvis sheathed. Palms at shoulder level, the body forms an alignment, the weight is carried by the arms and heels.

The side plank forges the transverses

The forearm placed on the ground, the other hand on the waist, the abs contracted to prevent the pelvis from pulling us forward, the body forms a straight line. Tip to avoid losing your balance: shift your feet so that you only place the slices on the ground. To do on each side.

What is the right training pace?

3 sets of 30 seconds per exercise to start, then 45 seconds and 1 min. To be repeated every other day, then every day for concrete abs, visible quickly. If you like visible results quickly, the exercise should please you since when practiced well, it allows you to observe results from 3 at 4 weeks.

Does plank exercise make you lose weight?

No Unfortunately. But this is not the objective when we practice this exercise. The board is a core exercise which works on the deep abdominal muscles rather than the superficial fat. Obviously, by strengthening the abdominal muscles, strength training will necessarily help… but the plank is not recommended when you want to lose abdominal fat.

#Plank #long #abs

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