Pluricultural Health: The Meeting of Mapuche and Western Medicine in San Martín de los Andes

2023-12-07 01:20:46

Pluricultural health and coexistence between Mapuche medicine and Western medicine took a very important step this week in San Martín de los Andes with the first meeting of these characteristics in the facilities of the Ramón Carrillo hospital.

The Pluricultural meeting began with a Mapuche ceremony in which a Foye (cinnamon) and a maqui were planted in the entrance patio of the new hospital building, followed by a conversation with Mapuche and non-Mapuche health agents.

This activity was convened by the Pluricultural Health Committee of Health Zone IV and was attended by representatives of the Mapuche community, health workers and provincial and municipal officials.

The Zonal Pluricultural Health Committee is made up of health workers from Health Zone IV, which covers the entire southern region of the province, from Las Coloradas to Villa la Angostura, and agents of Mapuche medicine.

Machi Rosa Barbosa, logko Carlos Curruhinca and Leticia Curruhinca lawentuchefe, both from the Curruhinca lof, participated in the conversation; the Minister of Health of Neuquén, Andrea Peve, and the director of the Carrillo hospital, Ernesto Vignaroli.

Leticia Curruhinca pointed out that “Mapuche medicine has already been at the Carrillo hospital” for some time and this public event sought to “make that work more visible.”

He stated that the new hospital includes a space for the practice of Mapuche medicine treatments and that one of the ways that Mapuches and non-Mapuches can access it is through health agents or by consulting at the hospital headquarters itself.


#meeting #multicultural #medicine #Ramón #Carrillo #hospital #Radio #Nacional

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