Pope Francis’ Heartfelt Letter to the Faithful in the Holy Land amidst War: Offering Prayers and Closeness

2024-03-27 13:33:27

Pope Francis has sent an affectionate letter to the faithful in the Holy Land, where the horrors of war are causing great hardship, offering his prayers and closeness.

Fr. Jinu Jacob, Vatican City

Pope Francis has sent an affectionate letter to the faithful of the Holy Land who are suffering greatly in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, offering his prayers and closeness. The Pope begins his letter by saying that I keep each one of you in my heart during these days of meditating on the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus.

The Pope then underlined the relationship between the Holy Land and the life of Jesus, but also the atrocities that people are experiencing today. The Pope underlined that as a people who are important in these Passover mysteries, it is very difficult to be denied land to live on, but even in that situation, he is thankful for the witness of faith and hope given by the believers.

The Pope said that as a father he knows the pains of his children and his affection will never diminish. May the Lord Jesus come to you like the Good Samaritan and comfort you by pouring the oil of comfort and the wine of hope on the wounds of your body and soul.

The Pope also recalled his pilgrimage to the Holy Land ten years ago. The Pope also underlined that taking things forward in a way that challenges the values ​​of humanity without taking any decisive steps towards peace creates a serious and constant danger.

But the risen Christ will strengthen us, the Pope said. The Pope assures you that none of you are alone and that he prays for the peace of all. The Pope also wished to return to you as pilgrims as soon as possible to share with you the embrace of brotherhood.

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